I'm baaaack

Jan 05, 2010 14:04

So, here it is. 2010. Welcome new year and you better be good to me and my peeps, or I'll come after you with a cricket bat.


I've spent the last two weeks visiting Washington DC (yes, down in the US of A). It was Lost Gaming Fortnight... and I had a total blast! I was resident Den Mother to a group of online gamerboys, ranging in age from 25 to 45, aided for a couple of days by a 54-year-old gaming grandmother.

We played WoW, GuildWars, HalfLife 2, Portal, MarioKart, Little Big Planet, Lego Star Wars, and even some old-school tiddlywinks. There were more games, but I'll get into that later on.

The guys rolled D10 to determine the order in which they had to go on kitchen duty / shred cheese / do dishes.

I'll do more complete posts in the next few days, complete with photos.

DC is a strange place, for sure. Had tons of fun, but I'm glad to be back in Canada, eh?


So, happy new year to you all. Here's hoping that, whatever you decided to celebrate during the last 2 weeks of 2009, you did so to the very best of your ability.

I am still unpacking from my trip, and spent an hour or so cowering in teh corner as I saw the travesty that Paul and Victoria wrought this year (a Gregorian Chant Tribute to Celine Dion). I shall print a full review of the CD as soon as I've ingested enough alcohol to break the shrinkwrap.

Ah well, off to work I go. Take care everyone.


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