Updates from the Knitting Fiend

Jan 04, 2009 19:36

Well, my right arm feels much better today, and I'm almost completely out of the post-benzo brain fog. I got damn close to 9 hours of sleep in a row - haven't done that for months, I believe.

So I've been knitting today. Almost done the 'Henry' scarf - just have to cast off the damn thing. It's a wonderful scarf, about five feet wide by eight inches long. Yes, it's knit sideways. Each row contains a wonderful 452 stitches (nope, that isn't a typo: it's knit with teensy-weensy sock wool). So, I have to cast off 452 stitches using my faithful tapestry needle. Ugh.

At of this time (7:45pm), I've cast off 16".

I really like this scarf. Some small part of me is secretly hoping the intended recipient is allergic to wool - gosh, then I'd have to keep it!!! Then again, knowing him, he'd wear it anyway.

I'll post pictures when it's off the needles, before and after I give it a bath and blocking.

In the meantime, Emily wants some attention, and I want a snack.

knitting fiend, neat stuff, happy day, updates

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