Apr 06, 2004 06:57
Cutting wind, ebony darkness,
night children howl mournfully,
shadows shrieks with agony,
Beneath a barren dead oak she waits.
Cloaked in the night sky, raven
hair streaming about her shoulders,
the color of pale cream, ebony eyes
dance with fire from within,
lips the color of black plum part
over glistening white fanged teeth.
She senses her prey ahead of her
near an inky black river,
he's lying among the dew kissed grass,
unaware of the huntress.
Eyes suddenly heavy, it seems he
hears a woman's voice on the wind
singing a sorrowful song.
The music makes him feel like he's
drifting on the tides of eternity.
Slowly, he realizes the presence
next to him, but it is to late.
He feels his life ebbing as she
drains life's blood.