on needs--on wants--on uses and innovations

May 19, 2007 12:20

oh man oh man oh MAN!!

READ THIS THING! (essay "What Else is New?" from May 14, 2007 "innovator's issue" of the New Yorker.)*

THEN--THEN--run around the house laughing wildly OR (if you were cold) do what i did and just stare very intently at a well PRETENDING in your HEAD to do so.** (i wish elllie and i could have a REAL club at school--knowing NWSA, more people would come to join "completely batshit nuts united" than everything else combined; ha ha)

i could talk for a really long time, but really... why would i? this says it so much better.

so reading this article this morning made me decide get drastic... i'm MAKIN' A LIST!***

--The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History Since 1900
--all the Strangers in Paradise pocket books after # 3 (angsty, but curiously strong, and awfully delicious. dealing with the morally ambiguous!--you get bonus points, by the way, if you identify either of the two product endorsements i included in the above sentence.)
--all the Sandman books since # 7 (go Gaiman! go Gaiman! issyer birthday! issyerbirthda--kay.)
--Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Jared Diamond also wrote the more familiar Guns, Germs, Steel, but i've already got that. still really...REALLY need to read it. maybe i'll just do that instead of getting my diploma. fmmmph. decisions.)
--all those books by kid koala!! (small, asian, and COMPLETELY BADASS.)
--Free Culture (dunno if i'll actually finish that one...for myriad reasons. i'm awful at being badass. internet pirates would not be proud.)
--Salt (bought it for dad for his bday. started reading it in the bathroom. stole it from dad; it lives in my room on my desk now--at least it won't get bent.)
--Box Office Poison (eisners. hella eisners.)
--Promethea (Alan Moore, contrary to popular opinion, is NOT sexist.)
--The Canon: a Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science (and that other book she wrote, speaking of feminism. not because they're feminist though--because they're INTERESTING. also, i'm pretty sure she's won more prizes than you can shake a stick at.)
--Omnivore's Dilemma (Michael Pollan! oh em gee, Michael Pollan! you are so smart! i wish you were a senator...NO--i wish you were head of a really, REALLY important committee. head of the one that deals with the farm bill!)
--Scott Pilgrim (et al that there is)
--Travels with Charley (oh Steinbeck. iiiiiiiii really love you so much more than i should. it was not meant to be. i guess. fucking death!**** the hell with it!)
--the last book of Alice 19th (i mean, i HAVE to know how it ends, jeez. okay, CRAM IT! some manga is good! i LIKE IT.)

so now you know all my dirty reading habits.

well hell. now i just feel like making lists!

--sweat pants
--no socks (this should be remedied!)
--tank top
--a hair band


I: untitled mix by my older sister (ie "favorite") for my younger (ie "best") : (it includes daft punk, radiohead, apples in stereo, ratatat, old green day, operation ivy, the ramones, the go! team, the unicorns, and they might be giants--not necessarily in that order.)
II: a week-old new yorker (we [meaning my news-obsessed dad and i] have been getting them late. we are pissed.)
III: a podcast that will maybe teach me spanish.

--the oyez project (for homework)
--youtube (for watching old japanese cartoons, for watching zoe's favorite WWII propaganda ever, and for watching MY favorite NEW propaganda with "candidate of the week/day/month"! for 2008)
--onlinecomics.net (for organizing my ONLINE dirty reading habits)
--the wayback machine (for EVERYTHING, and for scaring the everliving hell out of me)
--mozilla firefox (and all its various widgets)


i have to go feed children now. food! honestly!

bah, humbug.

*REALLY, though, you should actually just read the WHOLE DAMN THING.
**yesterday, as i was swearing in spanish, bawling my eyes out, laughing, and cutting up vegetables for my mom, i realized that if i was going to be a scary insane person, i might as well go all the way. really. i mean, why not? let yourself go.
***if you love me, you will withhold your cracks about "checking it twice". appreciate it.
****all the characters i ever like die. mercutio in romeo/juliet (forget the rest of them. they were all LOSERS!), nacha in como agua para chocolate, EVERYBODY in one hundred years of solitude.... and [frustratingly] so on and so forth.
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