First day back at work, and it SUCKS!

Aug 02, 2005 18:10

Well, that's not completely true. I've actually gotten a lot done today. But I'm still sore from the weekend, and I'd really rather be sitting at home reading "Angels and Demons" which Will was nice enough to lend to me. However. Since tuition is coming up, and all, I suppose I shouldn't whine too much about having a job. Bah.

So, had another awesome summer weekend. Went to Jamie's cottage. There was originally going to be a whole bunch of us going, but exams and family visits and such got in the way, so it ended up being just me. S'okay, I got the guest bedroom all to myself! Went swimming, canoing, kayaking, tubing, walking, boating, gawking at big houses, napping in the hammock, N64 playing, movie watching, Euchre playing, sight-seeing, really good food eating, and night mission recon-ing (I realize a few of those weren't actually things I "went" but whatever). Of course, thanks to all the unaccostomed activity (most of which required upper-body strength, which I seriously lack), I am sooooooo sooooooore right now. Definitely using the Deep Cold again tonight, that's all I have to say about that. Anyway, it was an awesome time, thank you Jamie and family for letting me come all by my lonesome.

My parents, wonderful people that they are, gave me a ride to and from Gananoquay (pretty sure that's spelt wrong...) because they were off to Cassleman to visit my aunt and uncle. The drive there was fine, chatted a bunch and such. The drive back was a little more interesting. We were in my mom's convertible with the top down a lot of the way, and managed to get rained on a couple times. THen when we got to Barnardo, mom and dad got out to say goodbye, and something weird happened to mom's door (the drivers' side door) so it wouldn't close. Got to call CAA and a tow-truck and all sorts of stuff, just so a guy could come to the house and fiddle for 5 seconds with a screwdriver to get the locking mechanism to work so the door could close. A little bit of excitement that really wasn't appreciated, but there we are. Mom and Dad got home safely, eventually, and that's all that matters.

The only other exciting thing that happened this weekend is that I got myself a new organizer. And I realize the very fact that I find that exciting just displays what a huge geek I am, but whatever. There's not a whole lot in it right now, other than my work schedule (which is the same every week) and Andrew's cottage this weekend. Also a possible visit from a guy I dated in grade 8 (really long story, not writing about it now). But once the year starts and I have to deal with thesis stuff and running subjects and all that jazz, it will certainly come in handy. So. Something to look forward to.

Oh! Something else I wanted to talk about. Had a pretty interesting dream last night. I was at a mall or something, but it was kind of set up like the hotel that AC was held in, in that the main area had three levels of balconies, type thing. Anyway. I was sitting and writing, or waiting for people I can't really remember, when Kramer (from Seinfeld) came over and started talking about how great it was that he was put in Jimmy Hendrix's will. Later there was going to be some kind of talent competition, in which a few boy bands were participating. From where I was sitting, on the third level, I could see one of the groups practicing their dance routine. It was actually pretty impressive, they were flipping all over the place. Standing along the railing of the third level was another group, and they were getting worried that their dance routine wasn't going to be as good. Tri and Canis were in that group, and spotted me and came over to say hi. Then we were in front of the stage, waiting for them to go on, but something happened that they needed to stall, so they convinced me to go on stage and make up a poem on the spot to kill some time. I was pretty terrified, and said "good evening" to the audience instead of "good morning". Which I covered by saying that while, yes, it was in fact morning, to night people it was evening. And I went on this little thing about the difference between night and day people, how the moon is like the sun and some other stuff...I kind of wish I remembered it because it wasn't too shabby. Anyway. I think that's where I woke up. So...yeah.

Anyway, I may as well get back to work. No rest for the wicked and all that. Hope life is treating everyone well. Hugs and howls to all.

life, dream

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