at the moment my main problem is veering between the ideas that life is either a douglas coupland novel, a sons and daughters album or a jon heder film. that and being lazy and disorganised.
i just found out that apparently the word 'simon' is mexican slang for "hell yeah!". i really don't know how to feel about that. i shouldn't eat monster munch for breakfast but andy's mum's budgie stares at me and makes noises when i go into the kitchen so it was all i could think of that i could just grab and go with.
i went for dinner at claire's last night - her place is really nice and it was just a lovely night, especially after not having seen her for ages. we had tiramisu and wine and big long chats about random things, and it was nice. i've had so many people to see lately - ruth, alicia, chris, claire, sara, gayle, emily, even ami - and so little inclination to do it, just because i feel wiped out by other stuff. i'm gonna invite as many of them as i can to ami's gig on wednesday and see how it goes.
hopefully i'll be able to go meet
caz later on as she's down for some gig or other. but anyway, i really ought to go now because i'm wasting sunshine time.
it's impossible to listen to this song and not feel unspeakably gleeful.