Jun 02, 2006 18:42
pick the answer which seems most appropriate to your own way of thinking. you will be given a maximum of thirty minutes to complete this section. read each option carefully and then circle the option you choose with a pencil as it is graphically represented on your screen. DO NOT show your working out on a separate piece of paper, no one cares.
today at work was:
a) amusing - one of the customers thought we were impressed when he told us he once played football with UB40
b) horrifying - a large, wet-looking rat appeared out of nowhere and ran the length of the shop and out the front door.
c) boring - no jamie, only half a day of ami and too much work to do.
d) ok, but not as nice as yesterday when andy turned up unexpectedly, swept me out of the shop and took me out to lunch at kensington's.
recently i have mostly been:
a) doing the same old work-sleep-moan crap.
b) having a great time - all day drinking-chatting-and-curry on bank holiday monday with all the boys; free gigs; cinema trips and nice things
c) worrying about things and stuff and pressing matters til my whole skull hurts from the teethgrinding
d) falling asleep in inappropriate places and shouting at people who spell things wrong.
i am looking forward to:
a) getting home tonight and eating pizza and cake and drinking wine and having spliffs and watching dvds and making andy rub my stupid shoulders for me cause they hurt.
b) just getting through the next three weeks if i stick to my budget, get my observation days sorted and manage to see everyone i promised to see.
c) october, because i need a holiday and that's the earliest we can really take one.
d) dying, so i can have some peace.
you are:
a) abolsutely lovely and i think you're great.
b) an asshole who doesn't deserve nice things.
c) slightly bewildered by the crap i'm talking
d) a fool for reading this.
(Zero Marks)