Very Good Friends Come Up With Alibi's, drabbles 2 and 3

Nov 10, 2006 10:32

Title: Very Good Friends Come Up With Alibi's, drabbles 2 and 3
Rating: PG-13
Setting: Season One of Veronica Mars.
Word count: 2x100
Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Veronica Mars goes to Rob Thomas.
Summary: If there was anyone that could get Lily out of this mess, it was Veronica.

Author's Notes: Based on ffutures’s challenge on TTH. I just couldn't resist doing a couple more. *shakes fist vaguely in Marcus's direction*

It’s the dreams which bother Lily Kane now.

Every night since the ‘incident’, she wakes up covered in sweat, her heart rate racing like crazy, and with this crazy urge to do something. And the dreams are odd too. Not like the ones she’d expect to have with Aaron in.

These dreams have people with strange faces, and even stranger clothes. There are girls in there as well, young girls fighting. Even a bright yellow bus, and a man with an eyepatch.

That man was in the papers the day it all happened. Town disappeared down a hole. Coincidence, right?

~ + ~

The shrink bought by her parents tells her it’s nothing. That she’s confusing things with the other big news that day. Transference.

Lily knows better. Two door handles have come off in her hand this week alone, and yesterday she lifted her bed up off the floor one handed. She’s stronger now.

Something happened to her that day apart from the obvious. She has to tell someone, but who? Logan is out of the question, Duncan’s doped out of his mind and talking to Veronica means she’ll have to admit messing around with Aaron.

And still the dreams keep coming.

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x-posted - twisting the hellmouth, fandom - buffyverse, characters - veronica mars (v mars), fandom - veronica mars, drabble

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