Decided tonight to sort out and arrange all the files in my My Documents. This one's a crossover, that one's pure HP, that's a buffyverse1000, etc. All was well and good until I started hitting the files I hadn't labeled that well, and had to open them up and look. Some nice surprises and pleasent memories certainly
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If you go raring out of the house at 8.20 to catch the next train to London, make sure to switch off the alarm clock set to go at 8.30. New batteries may be needed when you get home and wonder what that faint plantive beeping is
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Looks like my free 14 day trial on the US servers is up, and it's demanding a retail code to carry on. Now I'd thought I'd set up the account to carry on automatically, but looks like they won't accept that for some reason. In other words, they want me to pay for the game again.