Issue #10 - Revenge of the Marketing Drones!

Dec 29, 2011 07:09

[Christmas came and went, and Booster recovered from that terrible cold that the raid on the Milkman's factory generated after all the singing. So much singing. So much Skeets telling him "I told you so." When the cards came on Christmas Mike threw them in a corner, finally opening them today.]

Action 1 - 1489 Kramden Road

[Michael finally opens the first card and shrugs, seeing nothing more than a picture of the highway that looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old. Nothing there of note, so he opens the second one, and there is a terrible flash of sickly looking light and he falls over screaming.]

Action 2 - The Highway

[After recovering from that ordeal he is on the highway, staring at a newly planted billboard with Skeets by his side. A billboard for Sweeties, the cereal of champions, with their smiling spokes model... Booster Gold. Rumor has it that they're Boosteriffic.]

Huh.... Well that sure is a.... Thing I kind of wish I forgot.

At least they took the pictures before you ate the cereal. You looked green for days after eating it.

You aren't helping Skeets. Oh well, it could be worse I guess.

That is true sir. You have sold your face to many more embarrassing products!

terrible marketing ideas, skeets, action, regain, 1489 kramden road

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