Issue #9 - The return of the Blue and Gold... Without the blue.

Nov 07, 2011 20:54

Action:  1489 Kramden Road

[Bright and Early Mike heads out and trips over a box with his name on it outside his doorstep.  Grumbling he opens it, then grind like well an idiot.  Pulling out a pair of gauntlets he fastens them to his suit then looks over at his "faithful" sidekick hovering over his shoulder]

Got the whole suit back!  That makes me the....


Best equipped super hero in town.  We are so screwed.

Action 2:  Park

[Having stolen all of the dinner plates from home since they seem to regenerate over night, Booster Gold, the greatest hero no one has ever heard of is tossing them into the air, then blasting them to bits with blue energy blasts from his gauntlets with a dumb grin on his face.]

Hope I haven't gotten rusty after all this time.

patrol? yeah right, take that dinnerplate!, regain, 1489 kramden road

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