Law school classes started on Monday, but it feels like I've already had a week of class. These folks aren't messing around. 4 chapters of reading were assigned FOR ORIENTATION. And true to their word, we had two 2-hour classes during the orientation period. About a week before classes started, syllabuses were made available. Therein, each class had about 30 - 40 pages that had to be read before the first day. The classes themselves are mind bending affairs. The professors call on people and probe them with questions about the cases, what specific rules mean, how a case would be different if facts x and y were changed etc.
And I'm *loving* every damn minute of it.
I want to be called on. Picked on. Challenged. After three straight (correct!) answers in torts, the prof ignored me raising my hand and went on to others.
This whole experience is different from my undergrad and masters. In each of those, the subjet material was all fine and good. But there was no active learning going passion for the material. Well, my graduate econ classes had elements of that. But here, as I read, the mind is constantly working. I'm constantly thinking about what the implications of these are during. It's a much more active learning process.
These classes are not for people who have a low tolerance for ambiguity or who feel the need for conclusive answers, because there aren't many. But they jive with me because the answer isn't what's important. It's the reasoning that counts. How you arrived at your conclusion is the real main event.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that for this time and this place, I'm where I need to be.
Good luck to those of you who are also starting up again this semester. May it be successfull. As tradition mandates (ya'all are probably sick of seeing them), here's some motivation for the new year: