Wait.. is that... a floor?!?!?

Jan 03, 2011 09:56

Holy crap, I can see my garage floor. I half expected to find fossils under there from previous projects and random critters, but no, just epoxied concrete awaited me.

The garage is actually going to be organized this week. And not just "Hey, look there's a path wide enough that it almost doesn't count as dangerous!" organized, but actual "I know where stuff is" organized. That hasn't happened in a lonnnnnnnnng time.

I blame my cohorts in metal casting madness. If it weren't for the inspiration to get it cleaned up so we'd have a space to cast for Birka, it'd never happen. Oh, and today's note - discovering that I can cast nice waxes in my old soapstone molds = fully awesome. :)
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