Breaking news...and stuff

Dec 23, 2010 18:00

So, apparently, that guy at work that I had a crush on? He's now working at the desk directly behind mine. Somehwere, there is a deity whistling and averting their eyes.

He seems like a pretty cool guy. Funny, friendly, etc. Definitely built they way I like it, though he could use a bit more padding. ;-) I'll just keep being friendly and see how this goes (pretty sure he's not on my team.)

Had to call in sick on Monday. I'd been battling a sore throat since last Tuesday, and monday, it finally caught up with me, including sinus taht were so dry, I could only smell iron, and my left foot throbbing like I had just smashe dit with a hammer. Thankfully, the sore throat seems to have calmed down and my nose is merely drain-y. My foot is almost back to normal, too, so that's awesome.

I'll be working tomorrow and Christmas, so, Yay for me. Unfortunately, I haven't been working here long enough to get holiday pay, so boo, but I do we the weekend differential, so...yay?

And since I've had this open for about 5 hours now, I think I'll post it. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to my flist!

bloggity bloggity

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