
Sep 21, 2006 00:19

Wow, I realized I haven't posted in a while.

So, UPDATE!!!!

My ankle is doing better, but after Greek dancing this weekend, I may be singin a different tune. We'll see. But I want to dance. I reall want to dance! It's been sooo long since I've danced at the festival! Anywho, my mom is finishing my costume (which is a red vest with black lining. Whoo!!! anywho, we'll do better for next year. I wish my Yiayia was feel better, then she could make it.

For those of you who don't know, my Yiayia's cancer has spread. Fucking shit!!! I hate that when I go over to see her, she's always lying down or sitting in her chair, and rarely get's up. only aout three months ago, she couldn't be kept still or sitting without leather restraints. *Sigh*

Anywho, I feel like shooting me some security guards, or at least some stupid university president. What is it with these people?! Seriously! Parking was already bad. Now, they've torn up more parking lots, and to "make up for it," they have shuttles that run from these parking lots at the stadium (which are no where near ANY school buildings! I'm a commuter! I live out of my fucking car! There's no way I'm gonna hike across campus to get stuff out of my car, and taking a shutle across our campus is just stupid. When your glass is overflowing with water, you don't get a smaller glass. DUH!

and I miss Dan. We did get to chat on Monday. I am really looking forward to our "date," which also includes about 10 of my friends and at least one of his, lol.

Well, there's the update. Later, loves!

bloggity bloggity

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