OMG. I'm recc'ed. And now I'm all humbled and twitterpated.
And a little in love with your livejournal, if only for the epic!Brooke/Samness of it all.
I don't really ask this much, but would you mind terribly if I friended you? Mind you, I'm going to LJ stalk you anyway, but I thought it a little more prudent to ask...
See, now I'm the one who's all humbled and twitterpated. I would have added you myself but I'm quite meek and you're so awesome, so I might have lurked. Just a little.
Oh, I read it a while back, I just remembered it now. Probably due for a re-read though. I mean, I can barely stand Miranda/Andy most of the time but I thought the entire thing was brilliant. You really do well for the long haul, it's not often you see a talent like that in multi-chaptered fic- and crossovers! I'd get to the end and still be wanting more.
Awww. You're just making my day all kinds of awesome. *HUGS* thank you. I'm all blushy and bright and embarrassed. Now if only i could transfer some of that to my femslash big bang for Glee, cause that is KICKING my ass.
Well I literally just left Glee fandom, so I'm not sure if I can give any help out there* but I wish you lots of luck with it! I know how being stuck in that rut feels, I've been there for the last two years.
* Although before I lost interest, I did read The Avengers (obviously, because I recced it) and I loved that one. Maybe I'm too picky but one of the main reasons I left was lack of interesting fic. If all of Glee fic was written like yours, chances are I'd still be in the fandom. Just sayin', you got mad writing skills.
I saw that! i see you're free of the mod-ship from the Rachel_Quinn community. Congrats on being responsibility free! Now I must off to download your fanmixes...
It's wonderful! And a quick word of warning although you've probably already figured it out, not all the fanmixes in my sidebar are posted yet. Some are still WIPs, but most of them are up there. There's like, five that don't link to anything.
And a little in love with your livejournal, if only for the epic!Brooke/Samness of it all.
I don't really ask this much, but would you mind terribly if I friended you? Mind you, I'm going to LJ stalk you anyway, but I thought it a little more prudent to ask...
Translation: Yes. ADD ME.
My squee knows no bounds.
* Although before I lost interest, I did read The Avengers (obviously, because I recced it) and I loved that one. Maybe I'm too picky but one of the main reasons I left was lack of interesting fic. If all of Glee fic was written like yours, chances are I'd still be in the fandom. Just sayin', you got mad writing skills.
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