It's a rec post!

Aug 09, 2010 21:13

I shamelessly stole the idea for this post from multiple sources. Includes fanvid recs for extra bulk.

Writers I fangirl over:


Popular | Glee | Heroes | Women's Murder Club | Xena | Buffy
Fics with asterisks denote an all time favourite of mine.

The fics:


A Thin Line by fembuck was the very first Brooke/Sam fic I ever read. I'd never heard of the fandom and had no idea who they were. Cut to several years later, I have no love for the show itself yet I'm still inordinately obsessed with the pairing and have zero intention of ever letting them go. If that doesn't tell you how good I think the fic is, nothing will. The sequel is just as amazing. I've long given up hope for a third installment, but a girl can dream, can't she?

The Closet * is also by fembuck and it takes the cliche of getting locked in a closet together to a whole new, awesomer level. And then some.


True Confessions *
She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain
Also, his whole verse is pretty awesome.


Carried Away *
Like a Volcano, Baby
Fashion Crime
The Warmth of Fire *
Revelation *
The Snowball Effect *
My Body, Your Temple
The Upside to Being Terrified
The Show

Really, I could go on and I'd just end up listing all of her fics. I can't think of a single one I've read that I didn't lo- OH GOD. Do not talk to me about You Found Me. Seriously, I'm tearing up just thinking about it. How is my favourite fluff author so capable of ripping my heart out and shoving in a meat grinder?


Piece of It *
Language of Love
Another California Night
Colour Theorists

+ Technically not 'fic' but I laughed my ass off.

Sneak by random_flores is a crossover with Women's Murder Club, so Brooke/Sam and Lindsay/Cindy. Boy was that an awesome moment for me, finding this fic.

If you feel like having your heart ripped out and crying in bed for a week then read Deserted Challenges by Soricha. I won't spoil it for you if you haven't read it yet, but let me tell you that it's an epic AU both in length and in style - and if you don't cry your eyes out at the ending then you're a heartless monster.

If any of you were wondering where my hatred for the Angst genre stems from, you just found it.

Best Trip Ever by Alex O'Neal. No really, best ever.


Cowboy Up * - harper_m
Zone Blitz * - summerstorm  
Find a Piece That Hasn't Brokenthe_girl_20  
Out of My Headtrancer21  
* The Avengers * - random_flores
The Perks of Speedanthimeriate  
The Proximity in Dreamingbizarro_bluth  
The Sky Has Fallengilligankane  
She Knowstrancer21  
Third Time's the Charmwecanfreakout  



Elle/Claire -  The Safeword is Pompom
Elle/Claire -  No Sale
Elle/Claire -  10 Snippets in 10 Genres (with bonus Sam/Brooke!)

Elle/Claire/Adam - *  Lifetime *

And two more by fembuck . Self-cest, anyone?

Niki/Jessica - Chained Melody
Niki/Jessica - Tides Changed


These are all by Liz Estrada. Amazing series.
1. Charge of the Lite Brigade
2. Hang Fire
3. A Knuckle Down Christmas
4. Death and Syntaxes
5. Serendipity
6. In the Weeds

Also, Project Wingman by Misty Flores, which is awesome.


Lila's Little Adventure - Charmer

Aaand that's the only link I have saved that isn't an Uber* fic. Sad, really. I lost all my favourite non-uber's because I used to kill my computers before I grew some common sense. These are compiled from way back when Xena fic was the only thing I ever it's been a while - and as such I have no idea how I'd rate them now, just that I used to love them.

I never realised just how much I really liked Larisa's stories, which were all practically exactly the same formula with just names and scenarios changed, so it's a good thing I really dig her sense of humour and her potty mouth. Really, if you like one Larisa fic, you like them all.

Which is why I have only a handful of recs that aren't by her:

Castaway * by Fanatic and Advocate. A Survivor Parody. Hi-larious.

Everlasting and it's sequel Eternally by Mavis Applewater. Do I love it when Princesses and Soldiers get together? Indeed I do. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go freak out for a while because it's been so long and now there's a third instalment that I haven't read yet.

The Official Guide to Rescuing and Maintaining Damsels in Distress by K. Alexander. It's been years since I read this (I'm 95% sure it's the right fic, I only re-discovered it just now.) but I remember thinking it was hilarious. With a title like that, what else would you expect?

Dark Elf by J. Falconer. Another one I just rediscovered, but I remember getting a real kick out of it.

The Academy's Finest by Sandra Barret. OH GOD. ALIENS, FIGHTER PILOTS, FUTURE-FIC = MY DREAM AU.

My favourite Ubers by Larisa

Bumbled Burglary *
Chicken Little
Blind Date
Blue Calm
Street People
The Sanitation Engineer
Mender of Souls
Buried Prejudices
The Blues
Reason of Insanity

I was also going to recommend B.L Miller's 'Accidental Love' but she took it down after people plagiarised her stuff. Stupid thieves ruining it for the rest of us. I'm glad I saved it on my own hard drive when it was still up.

* If you don't know what an Uber fic is, it's basically Original Fiction with the main characters retaining the physical attributes (and often the same personality) of their canon counterparts (in this case 'Xena' and 'Gabrielle') while having different names, back-stories and taking place in completely different time periods. The term originated in Xena fandom and even has it's own genre.


Oz/Willow/Tara - No Tears - bradcpu

Buffy/Faith - Dance the Warriorsamescenes
Buffy/Faith - Chutes & Laddersaliceinwondrbra

...kay, shut up. I haven't been in this fandom very long. I have no Willow/Tara recs yet. Very sad.


Note: Those in italics are unavailable for streaming and must be downloaded.

Avatar | End of the Day | Gen
Avatar | This is Our Land | Gen
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | So Cold | Episodic: 'The Wish'
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Living Dead Girl | Faith study
Cold Case | Numbness for Sound | Rose/Billie
D.E.B.S | Don't Cry Out | Lucy/Amy
Dollhouse | Counting Bodies Like Sheep | Handlers/Actives
Dollhouse | Rush of Blood to the Head | Victor/Sierra
Firefly | Tear You Apart | Simon/Kaylee
Legend of the Seeker | All the Right Places | Gen
Lost | Breakdown | Charlie/Claire/Kate
Multifandom | I Enjoy Being a Girl | Strong women
Multifandom | I'm Your Man | Femslash
Multifandom | Safety Dance | Dancing
Multifandom | Ramalama | Merlin/True Blood/Supernatural
Multifandom | Rhythm of the War Drums | Horror
Multifandom | The Reckoning | Femslash
Multifandom | Unnatural Selection | Post-Apocalypse
Pitch Black | Gone | Riddick study
Popular | In the Sun | Brooke/Sam
Popular | Over My Head | Brooke/Sam
Popular | She Will Be Loved | Brooke/Sam
Xena: Warrior Princess | Anything You Can Do | Xena/Gabrielle
Xena: Warrior Princess | Prelude to a Crucifixion | Xena/Gabrielle
Xena: Warrior Princess | Let Me Entertain You | Gabrielle

I had more but...well, that's Youtube for you. They like deleting all the good videos, or muting them.

And that's the end. END.

read these fics

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