Dec 31, 2004 21:55
I have to count my blessings. This year has been pretty alright for me. I have had a nice warm house full of aggravating but loving family. I still have a job that pays pretty good, and bosses that are understanding and fun to work with. I have had a warm coat and gloves and hat and scarf on those bitter cold blustery South Dakota winters, and cool clothing for the sticky summers. This year I went on a lovely trip to London with the guy that I still, after all of this time and distance, am deeply in love with. I have cats and a silly dog which provide ample entertainment.
I watched the news again tonight about the devastation from the Asian tsunami, and it made me want to do something. I'm not sure what I can do, but I know that I can offer up some prayers that the people affected can heal. That families be reunited. That the newly homeless find shelter, food, clean water and needed medicine. That the generation of innocent children, many of those surviving without their parents and other family members may recover, thrive and remember. That clearer warning systems be developed and installed. That nations that are bitter or at war with each other unite to support those in need. That the time, power, and resources spent towards hatred be used to rebuild.
Such tragic stories makes me realize that my hardships and complaints are quite trivial.