J2 Bigbang fic recs, SPN fanart recs and SPN/BSG/Misc vid recs

Aug 02, 2009 13:55


My favorite J2 bigbangs so far (there are so many more in my bookmarks that I haven't read since the Sookie books took over my brain...)
  • To Teach the Human Heart the Knowledge of Itself by apreludetoanend - The chemistry and UST are simply PERFECT in this theatre AU. Absolutely delicious.
  • Tell Them We're Like Magnets by _mournthewicked - Excellent smut, schmoop and angst in this college!fic continuation of the Superbad verse. Another one of my all-time absolute favorites.
  • Gunshy by setissma - Completely delightful Bones!AU with Jared as the streetsmart FBI agent and Jensen as the nerdy forensic anthropologist. They solve crime, save each other and eventually fall in love.
  • Strangers When We Met by myficjournal and saklani2 - Lovely story about growing up and falling in love together in high school. *draws hearts around this fic*
  • Bromance by aleia - Fun and charming reality-tv-show AU where Jensen is a contestant to win Jared's friendship (and more)
  • Little Bit of Inertia, Little Bit of Momentum by juice817 - Some of the most adorable and fun oblivious!fic I've ever read in this best-friends-who-don't-know-the-other-one-loves-them-back AU. SUCH a delight.
  • Suburban Cape Cod Blues by sophie-448 - schmooptastic and sweet AU where recently outed country music star Jensen meets English/LGBT professor Jared in a small town.
  • A Place in This World by elless18 - Delightful romance in this AU: Jensen is a popular author who moves to the suburbs and falls for his single-father neighbor Jared. Hits all my single-parent romance kinks!
  • Top Spin by lazy-daze - a wickedly hot and awesome tennis AU. Definitely a one-handed read: best porn of the summer by far!
  • Seeing Daylight by drvsilla - a deliciously aaaaaaaaangsty follow-up to her brilliant bullriding AU
  • They Stumble That Run Fast by crackedbuthappy - a fun Cyrano-esque AU where Jared falls for his Shakespeare tutor and goes the wrong way about wooing him
  • The Silver Ring, A Most Curious Tale in Six Parts by cormallen - a fabulous fantasy AU where Jared perceives more than everyone around him and a magic ring complicates his life.
  • I Don't Want To Be Anyone's Reason To Cry by amaphone - Angsty and romantic AU where Jared grows up with the ability to see through his soul mates eyes.
  • Counting The Steps To the Door of Your Heart by annella - This nerd!au is one of my all-time absolute favorites now. Dorky!Jensen and spaz!Jared are so deliciously nerdy and wonderful together. You can't help cheering them on from their first UST-ful encounters and Jensen's adorkable pining to the smutty smutty goodness that later ensues.
  • This Temporary Life by finn21 - A J2 remake of HIMYM, with all the perfect ingredients to be a must-read: friendship, unshared feelings, misunderstandings, jealousy, bad timing and funny supporting characters.
  • Talking Points by winterlive - Jensen is a senator and Jared is a reporter in this delightful AU. Deceit! Betrayal! Misunderstandings! Schmooptastic reunions!
  • Lost and Found by mediaville - I absolutely ADORE the characterizations of both of them in this overweight!AU, and I cried several times over Jensen's self-confidence issues and Jared's unwavering support. MADE OF WIN. And schmooptastic awesome. And hearts and puppies.
  • Neon Showman by atimi - The lovestory of J2 through Chad's eyes. So hilarious and fun! I really really loved the Chad POV--he is so completely insane and perverse--and all the outsider insights into J2.
  • Between Miles and a Stone's Throw by arlad - Lovely slow build in this futurefic, with excellent angst and a delightful reunion resolution.
  • Just So You Know (Beautiful Soul) by Lostt1 - Schmooptastic and adorable AU where Jensen is a songwriter who has been in love with his best friend's little brother, Jared, for years.

Some amazing SPN fanart
  • SPN: Smoke and Mirrors by nargynargy - Gorgeous texture and color in this paintover of a sexy, bruised Dean
  • SPN: Ponies! by wanttobeatree - Castiel on a pony FTW! The bright cartoony colors and simple lines with Castiel's trademark dour face are hilarious.
  • SPN: Untitled by seymourspn - Breathtaking moment-before-the-kiss captured here (warning for PG-ish Wincest)

Awesome vids of the summer:
  • SPN: Supernatural: At the Movies by ash48 - Seriously fun. So many great scenes from the show edited wonderfully to fit each movie style.
  • SPN: Above and Below by counteragent - Wonderful visual juxtapositions of Sam and Dean's storylines in S4
  • SPN: The Chain by secretlytodream - Fabulous beatwork, great coloring and such a well crafted visual narrative about the cycles of sacrifice, life/death, and betrayal/reunion between Sam and Dean.
  • SPN: Carnival of Rust by absrip - AMAZING. This video is phenomenal. One of the most artistic and creative vids I have ever seen. The beautiful digital artwork and manips, particularly the tarot card theme, are just amazing. (warning for Wincest)
  • SPN: Like A Boss by winterevanesce - One of the most hilarious crack vids I have ever watched. A painfully funny AU-Dean character study. "A day in the life of Dean Smith Samberg, the boss."
  • Multi: Well Behaved Women by viorica8957 - A little high on the talky-face clips, but an excellent representation of badass women throughout history nevertheless. Well behaved women rarely make history!
  • Multi: I've been to a marvelous party by charmax - A gorgeous, decadent/debauched and fun vid about parties in costume drama films.
  • DEBS: 4ever by jarrow - This vid Captures everything sexy and cheesy and delightful about DEBS and wraps it up in a fabulous schmoop-coated JOY of a vid
  • BSG: Between by sache8 - an absolutely amazing and emotional vid for Kara/Sam showing how each of their roles/destinies played out in their relationship and their arcs
  • BSG: Battlestar Rhapsody by nnaylime - Brilliant as ever from this vidder and a PERFECT song for the the ultimate BSG crackvid
  • BSG: A Tale of Temptation by sabaceanbabe - This might be my favorite Helo/Sharon vid ever. The song is perfect, the visual narrative is BEYOND PERFECT and it just makes me all goosebumpy and achey inside to watch it. So much <333333
  • BSG: Wild by canadiangirl-86 - I love Old School Starbuck soooooooo much and this is one of the best kick-ass vids for her I've ever seen. <3 you Jo :)
  • BSG: Destiny Kink by dreamrequiem - The perfect amount of lyrical and rhythmic punch to match their power-play between Kara and Leoben, and a generous helping of slower, wistfulness to show their twisted but genuine emotional connection. Great song choice and crisp editing.

  • And if you haven't seen my SGA Sweet Charity vid for mystic_aleisha, go check it out. I don't normally self-pimp but I really love this one and I'm super proud of it :)

Phew, one summer's worth of recs :) I absolutely CANNOT wait for vividcon vids to start showing up soon, yayyyyy!!!!

What about you guys? Seen/read/watched anything awesome that I should check out?

gays in space:sga, girls who kick ass, j2 for me and for you, jensen is a sexass, vividcon=happy-making, vid recs, omg!squee!!!, kara-love, helo is the best bff evar, jared is too pretty for his own good, pimpage, spn, the winchester boys ftw, bsg, fangirling, recs

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