New vid - "Between" - Battlestar Galactica

Jul 21, 2009 01:16

Vid: Between
Edit: Sache8
Music: Vienna Teng
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Clips Used/Spoilers: Seasons Two through Four, including Daybreak.
Character/Pairing: Kara Thrace/Sam Anders.
Warning: PG for mild sensuality.
Summary: This is an examination of the "epic" side of Kara and Sam's relationship, how each of them had their respective Larger Role to play and the impact it had on their love.

Links: Quicktime - 24.9 MB.

Vidder's Notes: I shouldn't probably be posting this in the wee small hours, but there's a chance I'm going out of state tomorrow for a few days and I wanted to get it up and off my plate. In short, this vid came together very easily, and then caused me grief anyway when I decided to swap out almost every single clip for logo free versions. It was worth it, though, in the end. :-)

Informally, I'd like to dedicate this vid to sabaceanbabe who is the flister I think of first and forever when it comes to Kara and/or Sam vids. :-)

vids:galactica, fandom:galactica, vids:all

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