1. Friday nights are sooooo much better than Sunday nights because I can watch and squee with buddies. Watching with buddies is sooooo much better than watching by myself!
2. Holy frakking shit that was awesome!
Teh recap:
I think I've officially become as much of an Anders!girl as I am a Kara!girl. When did that happen? I was just as emotionally invested in everything that happened to him and so unbelievably delighted to see his character getting so much plot and attention.
Favorite Sam moments: The eye-scan thing was insane and awesome! The freak-outs with his fellow final fours! The half-hug brush-off from Kara when she got out of her viper just killed me (especially compared to the amazing hug she gave Lee)! And then the gut-wrenching tenderness and pain of the memorial hall scene with Kara where he says he'd still love her as a cylon and she says she wouldn't--gahhhhhhhhhhh!
Also! The little intimate eye glance thing between Lee and Anders when they first realized Kara didn't know how long she'd been gone. IT'S BECAUSE OF THE SEX, PEOPLE. The slashy subtext is still there between them loud and proud!!!
Speaking of Lee: damn he looks good as a civvie! I was thinking I would miss him a flight suit but he looked so good with the scruff and the sweater and it was all just too yummy for words. I loved the scene with him and his dad in the briefing room where they're trying to process how they feel about Kara, and Lee pretty much says he would ALSO love Kara even if she were a cylon. My girl has the bestest boy-toys evar!
Why was Lee allowed to be around for all the important conversations about Kara and the fleet, etc. when he is no longer a military or civilian official? I get why his character was there, because he knows Kara and he witnessed her death, but wouldn't his security clearance have been revoked or something?
And the Lee/Kara vibe was on strong for this whole episode. That hug at the beginning was very intense and intimate and Home-like, and Lee basically pledged his devotion to Kara regardless of her cylon status to his dad and the president.
(How can I be so shippy about both Kara/Anders and Kara/Lee AND Lee/Sam? Oh my OT3, how you like to frak with my brain!)
But WTF is my girl thinking going all rambo on Sam and the guards and charging in on the president with a gun? Bzuh? To be continued=my brain falling out!!!
There are so many little moments that I loved that I'm forgetting about. When Sharon walked up during the Tyrol/Anders peptalk and asked who else Anders would be if not himself. When Tigh freaked out and fantasy-killed Adama. When Baltar prayed for that little kid (votes on whether he knew everyone was listening? I thought he was putting on a show but the Mr and
amaleka_crone but thought it was a genuine prayer...). When Baltar's throat was slit and he was talking in his low sexy Aerilon accent again. When Gaeta got all huffy with Kara. All of Tigh's big-one-eyed 'woah' faces. And so many more that I can't think of!
In conclusion, I love my show to itty bitty pieces and I'm so damn happy it's back on the air!!!