Summer TV yay!

Jun 25, 2011 14:25

As sad as I am for the hiatus of my fall/winter shows (Glee, Supernatural, Castle), I am so excited for summer TV!!!

Shows I have fallen in love with this year:
  • Misfits - my bestie and I devoured this show over the last few months. Things I love: The grittiness of the cinematography. The hilarious over the top dialogue and plotlines. The Runaways-meets-Breakfast-Club vibe. I love the entire ensemble but I am particularly partial to Simon/Alisha. Can't wait for series 3 later this year!

    And ash48 has a delightful recruiter vid for this show, if you're curious :)
  • Doctor Who - I love the Eleventh Doctor. Tennant and Eccleston are both charming and good in their own ways, but I LOOOOOVE Matt Smith+Steven Moffat. And Amy+Rory and River Song. Yes, I am totally hooked!
  • Community - I came to this show via the vidding community. So many adorable Troy+Abed=BFFF videos and I had to watch.
  • Vampire Diaries - This was my hiatus treat between the end of SPN and the start of Leverage: I mainlined all of S1 and S2 in the last couple of weeks. It's got that distinctive Kevin Williamson teen melodrama+snark that I loved on Dawson's Creek, with a whole new bunch of pretties for me to ogle. And seriously how much do I ADORE Caroline. She is my top character from the show--I love her character, her arc, her chemistry and genuine connection with every other character.

    I'm feeling fannish enough about this show to be hungry for vids and fic. Any recommendations of good comms or authors in TVD fandom? I'm definitely partial to Caroline/anyone, but gen-het-slash-anything sounds good too.
  • Game of Thrones - I'm midway through the second book now. Despite having had them recommended to me so many times from friends in BSG fandom, I never started them until I had the prospect of Momoa on my tv. And DAYUM, he does not disappoint. Nor does this series. It is complex and rich and the characters are so engaging. I love Tyrion and Arya and Daenarys. Looking forward to more of both the books and the series.

Summer shows I looooove:
  • True Blood - so excited!!! Book 4 was my absolute favorite, so I am anxious to see how much of it they actually use in the show.
  • Eureka - I'm tired of these half-seasons syfy keeps doing, because this show is made of magical nerd rainbow sunshine and I want MORE of it than just a few eps at a time.
  • Warehouse 13 - this is definitely Mr. boom_queen's favorite of the summer shows, but I am pretty stoked for more nerdy archivist hijinks too
  • So You Think You Can Dance - get yourself in the spirit by rewatching Feel It by millylicious. This is my #1 favorite reality show. I love dancing <3
  • Leverage - Hardison/Parker/Eliot=OT3 forever!!!

I'm also going to give Falling Skies, Outcasts, White Collar, Alphas and the new starz Torchwood a try, but not sure whether any of them will stick.

shirtless hardison ftw, vamp angst, girls who kick ass, vampire diaries, ronon pwns, plz to be having more naked eric, am i ginger, bow ties are cool, age of the geek baby, hello sweetie, omg!squee!!!, leverage, misfits, books, fangirling, winter is coming, true blood, tv boyfriends/girlfriends, w13

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