And also Lost Girl

Dec 12, 2010 21:16

So you can also add Lost Girl to my list of omginloveNOW, having downloaded the first twelve eps and devoured them in the last two days. I am now waiting not-so-patiently for the season finale tonight!

It's everything missyjack promised it would be. It's hilarious and sexy and stylish and cracky and full of opportunities for me to play Canadian Actor Bingo. It takes the demon-hunting duo of Supernatural, with the cheesy fun of Warehouse 13 and the sexy camp of True Blood.

Plus: it's about chicks! Not about dudes with girlfriends, or dudes with female sidekicks, but about CHICKS WITH CHICK SIDEKICKS. Correction: hotass chicks with adorable chick sidekicks.

Favorite things so far:
Bo has the most amazing boobs on the planet.
Kenzi has the best one-liners and punk-meets-harajuku outfits ever.
Their friendship/sisterliness fills me with neverending glee. I lovelovelove getting to see a fun, happy, REAL female relationship at the core of the show. Bechdel test --> passed!
Dyson is wicked hot and I have no problems watching him roll around half naked.
Lauren is also pretty hot, but I have less love for pretty ice queens than sassy succubi or ripped werewolves so...I'm going with Dyson on this one.
Hale is adorable and cheeky and I wish there were more of him--particularly more sidekick commiserating between him and Kenzi.
The MOTW are fun. I love urban fantasy <33333333

Now for icons and fic (and maybe a vid bunny forming in my head...)

lostgirl, tv boyfriends/girlfriends, girls who kick ass, omg!squee!!!, fangirling

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