For a little while yesterday, the campus was transformed into a crystalline winter wonderland.
So, yeah, it's been interesting. I'm telling you, that was a pretty damned impressive storm. It started to get really nasty around 2 pm. That was also when the power cut out. I was in my room watching some BSG with
benjiecs32, and it was quickly established that the power outage was occurring everywhere. After I ran down most of my laptop's battery watching *more* BSG, I went out and took the pictures seen above, and more. The rest of the afternoon I spent hanging out at Classics Floor, having determined that there was no way I could get more work done than I already had (I wish I was kidding. I missed classes on Friday because of an upset stomach and that put me behind). The power came back on as we were standing in line for a dinner of cold cuts. However, this extended to on-campus only. Apparently the town, as well as off-campus buildings owned by the college, were still without power. Rolf spent the night in Michelle's 'office' (her single that is used as homework and hangout space).
My plans to surprise Jonathan for his birthday went off well. Buahaha. We had a balloon fight afterwards, it was quite amusing. Today, everything was (mostly) back to normal. The campus still looks like a tornado hit in a lot of places, but FM is working to clean it up. I couldn't get internet from my room for a few hours this afternoon, but I used the time to catch up on my statistics work.
No BSG tonight, so I've killed the last hour being unexpectedly social on the 'net. Now to get back to work on Stats, the only thing I actually have yet to do that I'll be called to account for tomorrow.