Featuring various live-action Clarks, but focusing on Dean Cain and Tom Welling. Because I adore men with glasses.
The first live-action Clark, Kirk Alyn:
With bonus Noel Neill as Lois! Check out that hat...
Then we have George Reeves:
This was really the only good picture of him as Clark I could find. There are lots of great pictures of him as Superman...but no glasses in those! Anyway, Reeves, like Alyn, sported some very round frames, just as Clark in the earlier comics did. Now we'd probably associate these glasses more with Harry Potter than Clark Kent. :P
Christopher Reeve:
The lenses are larger, as that was in fashion at the time, and the frames are more square.
Superboy John Haymes Newton:
JHN was replaced by Gerard Christopher after one season, but the only pictures of him as Clark that I could find also featured Stacy Haiduk as Lana, so...yeah. The glasses were the same, anyway.
Dean Cain:
Dean is tied with Tom Welling as my favorite Clark, so here are some more pictures of him with bonus Teri Hatcher:
And one more of just Dean:
Of course, Dean's Clark got thinner frames later on. I didn't like these as much, but here they are:
Brandon Routh:
His glasses resemble an "updated" version of those worn by Christopher Reeve, with smaller and less rounded lenses. I wasn't too fond of Superman Returns, but Brandon was a very pleasant-looking Clark. So have another picture of him:
Finally, Tom Welling himself! There have been four episodes of Smallville so far to feature Clark wearing glasses. The first is season three's "Whisper":
These are not your traditional Clark Kent glasses - the frames are too thin, and the lenses are more rectangular. Still, Tom sports them rather adorably.
We next see a bespectacled Clark in Jimmy's coma fantasy in season six's "Noir":
Aaaawww. :)
Clark's reporter disguise in season seven's "Apocalypse" includes the same pair of glasses:
These, of course, are a more typical Clark Kent style. They most closely resemble the glasses worn by Routh in Superman Returns.
Finally, we have the adorable scene at the end of season nine's "Idol", where Clark confesses his "secret" - he's a bit near-sighted:
Once again featuring the same glasses from "Noir" and "Apocalypse". They even got their own close-up this time:
Lois also tries them on:
Teri Hatcher's Lois also did this in an episode of Lois and Clark, but I can't remember which episode, so I can't find a screen cap. Alas.
This was not the first time Smallville featured a bespectacled Lois, however. In a cute nod to canon, season seven's "Action" saw Lois use a pair of glasses as part of a disguise:
Ok, not technically Clark's glasses, but a reference to them.
Even more bonus Lois - a promo image for season eight of Smallville featuring Lois at the Daily Planet with Clark's glasses on her desk:
And that pretty much exhausts my stock of pictures of Clark's glasses! Hope you enjoyed. :)