Oh, Sarko...

Nov 13, 2009 17:45

I'm a French major, which means I get to spend my days listening to all kinds of whiney marxist frogs.* But that's a story for another day. Yesterday, in my Spoken Contemporary French class, we got off on a tangent about Nicholas Sarkozy. In particular, we were discussing an incident from February of last year where he was shaking hands at an event, as politicians do, but one guy refused to shake hands with him. Sarkozy's flippant response? "Casse-toi alors, pauvre con." ("Fuck off then, you poor bastard.") He then continued on his merry way, shaking hands and smiling for the camera. (See video of the incident)

This is the same politician who made the controversial statement "si certains n'aiment pas la France, qu'ils ne se gênent pas pour la quitter." ("If some people don't like France, then it won't bother them to get out.")

Now, my professor was all about the criticisms, of which there are legitimate ones in both cases. Still, I couldn't help a certain sense of admiration and the thought "I wish we had a president that ballsy."

Then I realized that the president of France, of all places, has more balls than our Dear Leader, and was depressed for the rest of the afternoon.

*For the record, I use the term "whiney marxist frogs" with the utmost affection.

language, school, france, humor, politics

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