I read a book recently called The Well and the Mine by Gin Phillips. It's a first novel. I very much enjoyed the the style, the characters, and the way the author writes in the voices of the family in the novel.
Some examples of how the family members speak that I enjoyed:
"Sometimes I join them and we argue over which was Pop's favorite and who snored the worst at night....We talk very little about politics or books or movies---we like to unroll the past and touch up the details. And between us all, we can fill in each other's gaps."
"The only time I ever say Mama cry was when I was lying there in the hospital with the dirt from the road still on me. She didn't know I was awake. And I saw Pop's face lined and old and afraid. I got to see the people that were under my pop and mama, and even though it was just a glimmer, it scared me."
"I could keep at him, be quiet and cold and make him miserable, make us both miserable, or I could leave it be. I wanted to keep as much smoothness in our life as I could. Too much was already pulled and yanked out of place.
So I tried to smooth out my own thoughts at least, keep them pressed and folded."
"How alike we were - - man and dirt, black and buried underground, hardening more every day...."
http://www.amazon.com/The-Well-Mine-Gin-Phillips/dp/0976631172 I read my library copy - but it would be a nice book to own as a keeper.