Epic BG Fic Dump :D

Sep 20, 2008 13:04

Happy Birthday, Hikaru!!!! <3333 And whee, it's
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hikago, i love you i love you hikago, fic

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Comments 27

haverstock September 20 2008, 18:20:02 UTC
Hee, those were fun reads! ♥ I really do like the first one a lot. Thank you for posting them! X3


bookshop September 21 2008, 01:43:29 UTC

Awww. Thank you for reading! :D


haverstock September 21 2008, 01:46:34 UTC
You're welcome! X3 I also read the other Hikaru-Akira one that you posted up, and really enjoyed that as well. ♥ I can't wait until you post up your next finish fic. ;D


bookshop September 21 2008, 01:48:21 UTC

Awwww. I love them so. That fic, the one i'm working on, is actually sort of a roman-a-clef (a story with a "key" to the way you read it)... i'll be interested to see if you or anyone notices what it is! :D


mirabellawotr September 20 2008, 19:54:03 UTC
I think both of them are awesome. Jealous!Shindou FTW!


bookshop September 21 2008, 01:47:14 UTC

Hahaha, in my head Hikaru is way more possessive and needy even than Akira is when it comes to their true rivalry. I could write them like that all day. Thank you, sweet, for reading.
... )


kimby77 September 20 2008, 22:01:49 UTC
Even unfinished, Aja-fic still calls for enormous squees.



bookshop September 21 2008, 01:48:38 UTC

you are a darling. thank you.
... )


matildafilch September 20 2008, 22:13:20 UTC
I love the Jared Stone one. I'd love you to finish it.

There. I've said it.


bobrhyn September 20 2008, 23:24:12 UTC
IAWTC, totally seconded, what they said, ETC. !!!! (Shindou's favorite movie being Onmyouji II is so awesome, by the way.)


bookshop September 21 2008, 01:50:52 UTC

Ahahaha, his favorite movie is Onmyouji I and now I am not sure that he will ever watch it the same way again
... )


matildafilch September 21 2008, 12:19:38 UTC
Let's make her write more *gangs up*

I don't know what Onmyouji is. But eternal bonds of fealty sounds like something I can get behind...


issen4 September 21 2008, 05:51:12 UTC
You write Hikaru so well! Especially when he's jealous and a bit insecure and angsty--and Akira's just a great foil for him. Love the fast pace in this one--why is it unfinished?... :(


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