Hello to everyone coming over from
I am very pleased at the outpouring of response to my post about gay subtext and heteronormativity.
And the thing is, you can't talk about hating the heteronormative tropes of mainstream media without facing up to the fact that having this conversation within the context of slash fandom is, well, profoundly
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Comments 256
Other than that this post is A++++++++++. I think it puts its finger on a lot of issues that have been troubling me about slash and fandom; and other things too, namely how I feel left out of much of the slash discussion because I don't always ship slash, and I don't always ship het, but rather it's 50/50 for me so I feel excluded from both sides and I feel like my opinion matters to no one because I don't align myself with one group or the other?
And I want Ruthless/Maven til my EYES BLEED :((((
OMG YES PLEASE. I was feeling bad because I shipped it so hard.
what omg why would you ever feel bad about shipping something so GLORIOUS. Juliette Lewis IN THOSE BOOTS. and the end!!!!! i want fic where Ruthless just slams her against the wall and kisses her during one of the matches and she's so stunned she lets Ruthless take the lead.
And see, I honestly HATE the way Elizabeth is written on the show, like, her entire role is to be Peter's little domestic helper and conscience and dutifully help him with all his cases, it drives me NUTS. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND KELLY FROM SAVED BY THE BELL IS ACTING HER HEART OUT and she is so fabulous, and I am so torn.
And it's true: the actress is adorable and I really have a sense of Elizabeth as a person in her own right, someone who doesn't exist in order to object to Peter's workaholic self and his control issues, but who married him and loves him despite them. I like that her idea of 'the right thing to do' is often different to Peter's. I REALLY like, ( ... )
But I get everything you're saying. It's a significant part of why I've fallen out of slash fandom as a whole (not that I wasn't generally on the sidelines the whole time anyway, not that that matters a whole lot).
I've seen this with all unpopular characters. In particular I think of the Bleach fandom. I made a secret for fandomsecrets about how I felt like Sado Yasutora deserved more love and I got tons of comments saying "OMG I LOVE CHAD!!1" and I'm like... if all of you people love him so much then where the fuck is all the fic?
This happens far far more systematically with female characters, though, to be sure. Relatedly, Bleach fandom's treatment of probably love interest Orihime is deplorable. At best she gets to hook up with her girl best friend but hardly anyone ever writes full on fic of that, now do they? Maybe it's improved, I've been out of that fandom for ages ( ... )
It doesn't help that he's not super-easy to write. ^ ^ I think if and when I get back into Bleach fandom, though, I'm going to try.
You know, I'm trying to think of a female character who maps to the 'spectacular, brilliant, and total weirdo' type, and the only people I'm coming up with are Yomiko Readman and Ichihara Yuuko.
paranormal magical private investigator
Okay, there NEEDS to be fic of this. Now.
There does need to be fic of it! I wish I had a knack for writing. I feel like I come up with good ideas but they never turn into plots. Also, I've forgotten like... 80% of the Harry Potter canon by now, embarrassingly. It does increase enjoyment of the movies though.
Ichihara Yuuko is from the manga xxxHOLiC, which is . . . difficult to describe. She's not the main character (the two leads in this one are male), but she is awesome. Her title(she gets a title!) is the Witch of Time and Space and she runs a slightly ominous wish-granting shop. She's quirky and awesome and she drinks too much. I love her. ♥
Also, I agree with this post. I also agreed with the original, because it's a good portion of the subconscious reasoning I used to stop interacting in fandom (because I was one of those Yahoo RPGers who masqueraded as a boy, with other girls masquerading as boys, gay boys at that, and that can be very dysfunctionalizing to a teenage girl.)
Also, I wonder if there a correlation between straight slash writers (female), and bisexual slash writers (female) and their participation in or disassociation with the reinforced patriarchy of slash fandom.
it happens sometimes. Kara Thrace & pretty much all the women on BSG before the show went insane. the women on Friday Night Lights. all the girls in this video game I am playing right now called Persona 4 ahhhh all the amazing girls and women in P4....
but it happens way too rarely. I mean, to tell the truth? I don't really give a crap about Mary in the new Holmes movie. I don't really give a crap about Irene Adler either. sorry!!!!!! I don't dislike them... I just find them wholly uninteresting. and maybe that's because of my own internalized misogyny but maybe a part of it is also because the narratives we are presented with are always ABOUT men. men who are more interesting because they are the ones the stories are about. :( maybe Mary would be interesting if the story actually gave a crap about her and her life and her desires etc etc, but honestly every time she shows up in the movie it's to fuel conflict between Holmes ( ... )
but what exactly do you mean by
But rejecting all your choices the way we always seem to do in slash fandom *can't* keep being the answer. Not if we want to grow or develop into a conscious and *truly* progressive community.
like does that mean... you would like us to write Arthur/Gwen or that you would like us to write Gwen/Morgana? that we should do these things, and that that would make us a more progressive community? or are you getting at something else ( ... )
I don't have the same lack of interest in female characters that you do, but I agree with this so so so so much.
Also Aja, ♥ AMEN, SISTER.
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