Liberal Facism by Jonah Goldberg

May 27, 2008 09:36

 This book theorizes that fascism is an ideal of the left and is inherent in old-fashioned American Progressivism.  Goldberg uses historical examples of President Woodrow Wilson and FDR to prove that fascism was a part of American history.  He cautions that some principles of fascism exist today and that America could be in danger from more fascistic programs, e.g., global warming mandates and universal health care.  He states that fascistic programs and ideals do not have to be violent and unpopular; indeed, he suggests that many popular programs that many take for granted today are inherently fascistic.

His main purpose in writing the book is to caution Americans about giving the government a blank check to instill programs, many of which may be popular.

My two cents:

I had decided to read this book after CNN Headline News had broadcast Glenn Beck's week-long interview with the author.  Having completed a Masters in Political Science, I find nothing factually incorrect with the book and its intellectual premise.  However, the book is not a fun read and I had a hard time going through its 400+ pages.  Goldberg also keeps restating throughout the book ad nauseam that modern liberals are NOT fascistic and to be blamed for the atrocities of the past.  He point is that several government programs are fascistic and extremely popular.  Without being aware, fascistic programs can be sold to the general public at large with media support.

If you're into political science, its a good read.  Although tedious at times to get through, I highly recommend this book as a balancer to what is broadcast in the general media.


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