Dec 10, 2006 21:33

The setting: Your friendly local independant GLBT (that's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender for those of you not up on your subculture acronyms) bookstore.

The cast: ME - the well-meaning clerk.
INSUFFERABLE YUPPIE QUEEN - pretty much just what they sound like.


ME: Hi, can I help you find something?
IYQ: Yeesss, I'm looking for (book name).
ME: Okay, let me look that up for you.
ME: *does so*
ME: We have three copies in. Do you want me to grab one for you?
IYQ: Noooo, that's okay. I already ordered it on Amazon dot com. I just wanted to see how much I saved by not buying it here.


...there's really nothing I can add that will further explain this. The incident speaks for itself.

booksearch, mail or internet orders, frustrating customers

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