We've all done it.
You get so wrapped up in a book you borrow from your public library that you just can't let it go.
Or you have the best of intentions about returning the book or books promptly, but somehow Time just slips away from you.
George Washington racks up late fees at NY library. ...Both books were due on Nov. 2, 1789.
New York Society Library head librarian Mark Bartlett says the institution isn't seeking payment of the fines, but would love to get the books back.
The ledger also lists books being taken out by other founding fathers, including Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and John Jay....
I confess to having kept out a copy of a prose translation of ORLANDO FURIOSO from my college library for an entire summer. I'd just discovered Theodore Sturgeon through the short story collection STURGEON IS ALIVE AND WELL..., and the tale "To Here and the Easel" struck an anvilicious chord with me.
But I did return my book and pay my fine, eventually. Perhaps George will, too.
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