Title: It's Party Time (Chapter 2/?)
Author: coonassblondie
Disclaimer: I don't own any Harry Potter characters, although if Mrs. Rowling wanted to send Charlie I wouldn't argue. I'm obviously not making any money, or I wouldn't be perpetually broke.
Pairing: Charlie/Fred/George/Hermione
Rating: R for this chapter, afterward NC-17
Summary: Hermione has a flat-warming party, and the guests get up some naughty games. The players learn lots about each other, their likes and dislikes, and what they really want. HG/CW/FW/GW. AU to DH obviously , mostly humor. High on pheromones, low on plot.
Warnings (if applicable): Smut, foursome, slash, weasleycest (if not your thing, don't clicky)
Genre: Humor/smut
Author's Notes: Here's chapter two, there's lots of UST in this chapter, but it's transitional, there isn't any smut except the beginnings at the very end. However, I'd love comments!
It's Party Time Chapter 1
It's Party Time Chapter 2