i finished it!!!
i really, really, truly liked it. a lot. its a toss up between this and Eclipse as to which is my favourite in the Twilight Saga.
i read this like a woman possessed. i've already started rereading it, too.
really, from everything i've heard about the book, about the series... i was really expecting to hate the book.
but i was really, pleasantly surprised.
i think i can understand why people would dislike this. for one thing... the writing.. really is annoying. the author's writing style i think, is the hardest part to get past when reading the series. everything's kinda... just... bland. there's not a lot in her decriptive writing that's really vivid... or anything that comes off as really, remotely exciting.
the next... would have to be the whole first book. Bella's book on her wedding and her honeymoon. =S not that i wasn't happy that two messed up people finally officially came together, but the whole book was kinda drab. and human Bella.. really, really annoys me.
finally, the ending. it was... just a lot of talking. and while i appreciated that none of Bella's clan/side dying (which i was dreading when thinking about he final battle with the Volturi), it was... just all too neatly wrapped up. talk... talk... talk some more... diliberate... talk... and problem solved... happily ever after. =S i would have just like more action in that ending confrontation. that, and the actual final chapter to give me more closure on the whole story. i think i probably would have loved an epilogue here. especially cause i was curious about Jacob and Nessie' future =P
good points? hmm... for starters, Bella finally being a vampire. i really do like her more on equal grounds with Edward. Edward was too much of a pansy when Bella was still human, and that was super annoying. Bella was super whiny when she was human, so that was super annoying. when she's finally transformed, they're finally on the same page... and their relationship is finally, to me, normal.
there was also lots of funny bantering in the last two books. particularly between the Jake and the other Cullens. him and Rosa and Alice's dialogue were sometimes one of the funniest.
the main thing for me though... for those who have been paying any attention to anything i've written about the saga, is Jacob. Jacob, Jacob, and more Jacob. i love me soe tortured, pining for an unrequited love Jacob. but i think i was really happy, more than anything, that his "feelings" for Bella were gone. and since imprinting on Nessie, i've developed an idea about his feelings for Bella that i'm pretty sure about now. not that Jake never loved Bella... but i think most of the attraction for him, and all those really intense feelings were for something related to Bella. something very closely related to her. Even though, in the beginning, Nessie was not existant yet, most of the feelings he had for Bella were for her, even then. like his heart and soul always knew, from the very beginning that his destiny was related somehow to Bella, but not with her. and although the age gap between them is big in the story (for now anyway) i find that whole destined lovers thing between them very romantic. and even Nessie knows Jacob belongs to her, as she belongs to him. it somehow reminded me of Kare Kano, and how Asaba's soulmate was his bestfriends' daughter; he himself knew it, even before she was born.
so that's that, as far as i can remember anyway.
i really can't wait for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn to go on film. i just hope the cast is still the same for them; cause i was picturing them the whole time reading through.