Crash and Burn (Lifetimes AU, 71,955 words) - Part 13

Apr 28, 2015 19:18

Title: Crash and Burn (Lifetimes #28)
bookishlady242 and
Pairings: Harvey/Linkara, 90s Kid/80s Dan, Boffo/Linksano, Kung-Tai Ted/Ninja-Style Dancer
Rating: R
Warnings/Triggers: Graphic violence, graphic blood, heavy angst, mind control, hallucinations, drug use, references to drug use, death, references to past death, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, allusions to sex, mild sexual activity

Summary: When Linkara learns about a devastating new weapon which could destroy lives if it falls into the wrong hands, he and his team must prepare for a mission harder than any they've faced before. When challenges threaten their lives and their ties of friendship, will they manage to save the world and, most importantly, themselves?

DISCLAIMER: We do not own the characters, the shows, or the people who portray the characters. This is meant as a work of fiction and is fair use. Please support the creators by watching their videos, letting the ads play, buying their DVDs and merchandise, and/or contributing to their Patreon(s). "Crash and Burn" is performed by Savage Garden.

Very special thanks to
njdoodler112 and
trulyamindlost for the bonus content! :D

Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6/ Part 7/ Part 8/ Part 9/ Part 10/ Part 11/ Part 12/ Part 14/Bonus Material

When the five materialized once again, they collapsed onto the floor of their living room, even Ninja this time, who was far too exhausted to do much of anything anymore. Harvey gasped as his back collided with the hardwood floor and he started coughing, rolling onto his side as he fought desperately to breathe. Linkara turned anguished eyes on his boyfriend, realizing just how much damage his trial had done.

“Oh God, Harvey. It’s okay, babe, we’re home now. 90s Kid, help me get him into the bathroom! Ninja, get me some warm clothes and blankets! Linksano, scan him quickly and find out what’s wrong with him!”

Everyone raced to obey Linkara’s orders while Pollo floated into the room. “I’m pleased to see you have all arrived home safely.”

Linkara gave him as happy a smile as possible, considering the situation. “Glad to see you in one piece, Pollo, not to mention the apartment. I trust you had no trouble looking after things with Nimue and Boffo while we were gone. However, as you can see, not all of us are in the best condition, so we don’t have much time to socialize right now.”

“I understand. Nimue and I will make sure to continue monitoring the base so that you can rest.”

“Information,” Nimue chimed in from the ceiling. “This unit is also pleased to see that the team has returned safely and will aid Pollo in making sure that the base remains secure until you have recovered.” A few Cybermats made a beeline to Linkara’s sides and rubbed gratefully against his shins like needy cats who had been missing their owner.

“Thanks, guys. I really appreciate that.” Linkara told them gratefully, feeling some of his strength return thanks to their warm greetings.

Upstairs, Ninja was rooting through Harvey’s dresser drawers to find his pajamas, and was so focused on his task that he failed to notice someone teleporting into the hallway. That someone did not fail to notice his presence, however.

Who’s there? A quivering horn honked. Ninja looked behind him to find Boffo nervously poking his head inside Harvey’s room. He spun around fully to make himself known and Boffo gasped in shock. Ninja! You’re home! You’re okay! Thank goodness! Boffo threw himself at his friend, clinging to Ninja tightly as his heart started to grow so full he felt it might burst.

Ninja hugged him back, feeling a hole that had formed in his chest start to fill in again. *You do not know how good it is to see you, Boffo.* Ninja had never hugged Boffo so tightly before, and it caused the clown as much joy as it did worry.

Are the others alright? Did they make it home with you? He pulled back to ask, his eyes desperate. Nimue said it would be within twenty-four hours, but she didn’t have any other details.

Ninja smiled. *Everyone is downstairs. Follow me.* Boffo’s smile widened and he followed after Ninja eagerly as they headed back downstairs.

“Thanks, Ninja,” Linkara replied in a grateful tone before disappearing back into the bathroom. Minutes later he and 90s Kid were carrying Harvey out toward the couch, the singer now dressed in warm, dry clothing and wrapped in blankets.

Linksano was already sitting there with his medical bag, and he set right to work examining Harvey. After a quick scan, Linksano used a few other tools on Harvey, before he shook his head and removed his stethoscope. “I don’t need to examine you much to know that the prolonged exposure to the freezing water has taken its toll, I’m afraid. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had to remain bedridden for at least a week.”

“What’s the d-d-d-downside, D-D-Doc?” Harvey got out through chattering teeth, which caused Linkara to laugh in spite of himself. Linksano rolled his eyes, ready to launch into what was surely a long lecture about taking illnesses lightly, when he spotted a flash of rainbow colors with his peripheral vision. He turned instantly and realized that Boffo was standing less than a foot away from him, watching him with one of the most joyful expressions ever known to humankind.


“Boffo!” Linksano’s own expression of pure happiness came close to matching Boffo’s and he rushed to embrace the clown as tightly as he could, before lifting him into the air and twirling him around. Boffo’s eyes sparkled with delight and he laughed, which caused Linksano to laugh as well, not his usual maniacal cackle but a soft, lilting laugh filled with elation and love. It was Boffo’s favorite sound in the world and his whole body flooded with a light and warmth that he’d been missing for so very long. “You don’t know how much I’ve longed to do this,” Linksano murmured once he’d set Boffo down and pulled him close once again. “You don’t know how much I’ve...I’ve missed you...” His voice started to waver as all the emotions he’d struggled to keep at bay threatened to spill out.

I know, Oscar. Boffo signed against his back. I’ve felt the same longing and loneliness you have these past three months...Oscar, I love you! I love you so much! Without even thinking about who might be watching, Boffo leaned forward and kissed Linksano eagerly, his arms still holding tightly to the scientist’s torso as if he feared Linksano might disappear again before his eyes.

Linksano was too exhausted and exuberant to feel embarrassed, so he kissed Boffo back just as eagerly before they pulled apart, breathless and blushing. “Oh my dear,” Linksano murmured as he stroked Boffo’s cheek. “I can’t believe this is could I have been separated from you for three months?”

“Three months?!” 90s Kid cried, looking shocked. “Is that how long we were gone?!”

Linksano finally remembered that he was in the midst of his team, and he turned back to them with an even redder face. “Oh, um, yes. I was l-looking after Finevoice, wasn’t I? Apologies, Boffo, but-”

I understand, Oscar. Boffo signed as he turned to 90s Kid as well. Yes, 90s Kid, you all have been gone for around three months. Did it not feel like that to you?

“No way, dude!” 90s Kid said, shaking his head for emphasis. “None of us could tell how long we were stuck in that place! I thought it was like a day or two! Wow, so it was three months...” 90s Kid’s sudden look of worry caused Boffo to speak quickly.

Dan is alright, 90s Kid. It has been a rough time for him as it has been for all of us, but I promise you he’s okay. In fact, he’s upstairs in your room now.

“Dan’s here?!” 90s Kid instantly leapt to his feet before he paused, looking down at Harvey on the couch. “Oh, um, I-”

“It’s okay, Junior,” Harvey said with a small smile. “I’m gonna be just fine now that we’re home safe and sound, so you go on and see Crockett. I know you’ve been missing him and that he’s been missing you, so go show him how brave and strong a cat you really are.”

90s Kid beamed at him before looking to Linkara, wanting further confirmation.

“After proving your courage, loyalty, and intelligence by protecting this team and this planet, I fully release you from duty, 90s Kid.” Linkara smiled as his words seemed to temporarily stun the teen, before he chuckled when 90s Kid rushed to embrace him.

“Thank you, Linkara!” 90s Kid also shared a quick hug of thanks with Boffo. “And thank you for looking out for Dan. I knew I could count on you. See you all later!” While 90s Kid then bolted up the stairs and into his bedroom, Linksano continued his examination of Harvey, while Boffo stuck close to his side, grasping his sleeve every so often to reassure himself that Linksano was really there.

Once Linksano had finished his examination of Harvey, the singer was given hot soup to drink and left to rest on the couch in a warm nest of blankets.

“His health is not in dire condition, but the effects of remaining in those soaking wet clothes for so long will need to be remedied,” Linksano informed the others. “After a few days of bedrest and these precautionary antibiotics, he should be back to his usual self.”

Linksano had also finished performing health scans on the rest of the team, minus 90s Kid, but since he’d found no physical signs of injury or illness, other than the normal fatigue and hunger normally caused by the stress of missions, he’d decided to leave the teenager be for now. “I am happy to report that we are all sufficiently healthy,” Linksano announced as he put his medical bag away.

I am very happy to hear you report that as well. Boffo honked before gently pulling on Linksano’s arm, so that the scientist could join him on the comfortable love seat.

Ninja nodded to Linksano. *Thank you for taking me into your care. I am very pleased to know that we have all arrived back here in one piece.* Ninja turned to Linkara then, allowing their leader to see how wide and desperate his eyes now looked. *If this mission is officially over, I would like to request some time off. I don’t know how long I will be gone, but it will not be more than a week, if that is to your satisfaction.*

Linkara had never seen Ninja look at him in such a manner before, and he realized then that Ninja must have been fighting to hold back quite a lot of emotions, so he nodded. “Of course, that’s fine. I declare this mission officially over and order all participants to take whatever time off they need. You’re free to go, Ninja.” Ninja bowed gratefully to Linkara before he shared one final look with Boffo, mentally promising the clown that he would be back soon to spend time with him, before he vanished in a puff of smoke.

Linkara let out a large yawn at that moment and suddenly realized just how heavy his eyelids felt. “Well, now that this is taken care of, why don’t we all get some rest? I for one am looking forward to sleeping in an actual bed for the first time in three months, apparently. What about you, Harvey?”

“If I had the option to wrap myself in satin sheets and goose down pillows for a year, I’d do it.” Harvey replied, drawing a round of laughter from the others.

“What about the quill, Linkara?” Linksano asked, glancing to where it was still hidden in his pocket. “Weren’t you planning to test it out once we’d returned?”

“Oh, right. Pollo! Can you bring me an empty take-out carton?”

“Are you serious?” Linksano asked in shock as Linkara tucked the clear yet colorful feather into a box that had previously been used for storing egg rolls.

“Well, would you think to look for what might be the most dangerous weapon in the world in a container of Chinese food?”

“I…suppose not.” Linksano reluctantly agreed.

“So it’s settled, then.” Linkara handed the carton to Pollo. “Can you take this to the most secure section of Comicron-1? The team and I will be ready to figure out how it works after we’ve had a few days off.”

“That’s our leader for you,” Linksano muttered, shaking his head in slight disbelief. He watched Linkara help Harvey stand and hobble up the stairs, the singer leaning against Linkara every so often. “I suppose this is good night then,” Linksano said, with a nod to the pair. “Boffo and I shall see you in the morning.”

“I can’t thank you enough for coming with me, Linksano.” Linkara looked down from the bannister at the scientist and clown, his expression full of appreciation and slight sadness. “I know I didn’t think enough about what you were giving and Ninja and 90s Kid...but I promise it won’t be like that again. I’m really sorry, Linksano.”

“Apology accepted, Linkara.” Linksano said, his arms wrapped tightly around Boffo. Linkara knew Linksano could only speak for himself and not the others, but he hoped that in time he’d be able to make up with all of them for his hurtful actions and words.


Ted sighed softly to himself as he looked around his apartment, which was feeling more and more empty by the day. He had been doing everything he could to keep busy as he waited for Ninja to return, such as cleaning his apartment until it was spotless, reading every book he had on his shelf, watching movie after movie until his VCR nearly started overheating. Now it was approaching dinner time and he needed to figure out what to do. Ted had a few more packs of ramen in his cabinets, or he could spend his laundry money on a more substantial meal prepared down the street.

One of the things he missed most about Ninja was his delicious cuisine. Ted’s bottomless appetite was growing even larger thanks to working during the day, training in the evenings, and helping Boffo and Dan in his spare time, and Ninja’s meals would sure hit the spot most days. Unfortunately Ted was not very skilled when it came to cooking, and sometimes he would collapse into bed at night without having eaten more than a sandwich or a cup of noodles all day.

As Ted continued to ponder what he wanted to do for dinner, he saw a flash of black on the ceiling, causing his breath to catch in his throat. Were his eyes playing tricks on him again, or could it really be...?

“H-Hello?” he called out, before whirling around as he watched a figure drop down and stand tall before him. Ted’s face lit up with joy and relief, and his body started trembling. “Ninja!’re really here! I can’t believe I’m really seeing you again! I know Nimue said you’d be home today, but I thought you’d still need to debrief from the mission or spend some time on your own before coming to see me. N-not that I didn’t want to see you, because of course I did! I’ve missed you so much!”

Ted lunged at Ninja then and clung tightly to him, nearly dissolving completely into tears, but then he remembered Ninja’s words about being strong and controlling themselves when necessary. “S-sorry,” Ted mumbled, trying to hold his emotions in check as he took a step back. “It’s just been quite a long time since I’ve seen you, and-”

Ted stopped abruptly when Ninja grabbed him and pulled him back into his arms, squeezing him tighter than he ever had before. *Don’t. Please.* Ninja pleaded, his face buried in Ted’s neck. *I need this. I...I need you, Ted.*

“Ninja? Are you okay?” Ted was shocked not only by Ninja’s words, but by how the dancer seemed to be clinging to him as if he feared Ted might somehow escape from his grasp. “What happened?” he asked, his worry only growing when Ninja’s grip around him grew stronger. “Is it the mission? Did it...did it not go well?” Ted asked softly, wondering if perhaps a tragedy had befallen the team somehow.

*No, it was a success. Everyone came home safely and we achieved our goal* Ninja informed him before a small, whimpering sound slipped past his lips.

Ted’s eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open when he saw that tears were falling from his boyfriend’s eyes. “Ninja-”

*Ted, I’m so sorry!* Ninja continued to silently weep and cling tightly to Ted, while the scrawl on his notecards grew messy and harder to read. *I’m sorry for every time I’ve treated you badly, for every time I’ve hurt you, every time I’ve not been there when you needed me! Not when the truth is that I need you, Ted! I need you and I love you and I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...please forgive me...* Another whimper slipped past his lips, but before Ted could react, Ninja lifted the man into his arms and carried him into the bedroom at full speed, making sure to pepper Ted’s face and neck with salty kisses the entire way.

The next thing Ted knew, they were on his bed, and Ninja was still giving him kiss after kiss, tears flowing freely from his eyes. Ted was astounded and more than a little worried, since he’d never seen Ninja break down in tears like this before. He had seen him cry, but not like this, not like his heart was breaking. “Ninja, it’’s okay,” he tried to comfort, rubbing the man’s back and returning the tight embrace. “You have no reason to be sorry. I know that you’re very dedicated to your work and that-”

*You d-don’t understand, Ted.* Ninja held up, looking ashamed. *Ever since I was a child, I have trained myself to hide my emotions and not let them be seen, even in times of stress. I truly was upset about having to leave you, Ted, but I could not show you that and risk not being able to perform my duty...but that is still no excuse for how cold I was to you.*

More tears filled Ninja’s eyes and spilled over, looking down in shame. *You deserve so much better than someone like this, who claims to be strong and can somehow be so weak...someone who cannot do anything but let people suffer...* The memories of horrific screams and badly burned bodies were creeping into his mind again, causing Ninja’s insides to churn. *I have failed myself...failed you...failed everyone...*

“You haven’t failed me!” Ted insisted, utterly perplexed about most of Ninja’s actions but definitely certain about this one simple fact. “You’ve never failed me, Ninja! I understand that you needed to focus on your mission before and that’s why you were more closed off than usual. It bothered me a little, sure,” he admitted, before realizing that this caused Ninja to wince as if he were in pain. “B-but that doesn’t mean I think you failed me! And I don’t want anyone better because there isn’t anyone better than you, Ninja! You aren’t weak and you always do your best to protect and help everyone you meet!”

Ted’s confident words did little to help Ninja, as he became more and more engulfed in a tidal wave of death and despair. Memories of the trial mixed in with the horrible scenes of his own childhood flooded his mind and Ninja sobbed harder, pulling away from Ted as he felt the desire to flee start to overwhelm him.

*No...I’ve failed...all my life I’ve failed to save people…I am not worthy of having anything good in my life...I am not worthy of please, Ted...please…please...*

Ted’s whole face crumpled as he started to cry, his determination at last failing him. “Ninja, please d-don’t say that,” he begged, crawling on his hands and knees so that he could be closer to the man he loved. “Y-you’re really scaring me. Please don’t think like that about yourself. I-I hate seeing you this way. Please, talk to me; tell me what happened to make you feel like this. I-I want to help you, Ninja.”

Ted reached out and grasped the man’s shoulder before pulling him close into a desperate hug. “Let me help you, just as you’ve always helped me. You’ve done everything for me, Ninja. You’ve taught me so much, showed me kindness and love I’d never before experienced, you’ve made me so h-happy...please, Shinobu,” he begged, eyes still leaking. “Let me m-make you f-f-feel as good as I d-do whenever you’re with me. I...I love you so’re such a g-g-good person and y-you don’t deserve to suffer like this...”

Ninja felt Ted’s body shake with sobs and struggled to comprehend his words. How could someone as honest and true as Ted ever love someone like him?

*This mission was one of the hardest I have ever had to face...* Ninja began, still clinging to Ted like a lifeline. *I have fought so hard for years to atone for my past, Ted...for not being able to save my clan, my family...for letting them all perish in a battle that I was not strong enough to win...* Ninja squeezed his eyes shut. *The trial made me relive it all over again...made me watch them all burn...and I could do nothing. I watched them burn and I did nothing!* Ted clung to Ninja tighter, wishing there was anything that he could do to comfort him right then. *In order to pass my trial, I was ordered to do nothing. I pledged to help others as much as I could, and yet I could do nothing to help them...and that is why I am a wretched being that is completely undeserving of love, Ted.*

Ted pulled back and kissed Ninja between the eyes, wiping the tears from the part of his face that was visible. “You’re wrong, Shinobu,” Ted whispered, caressing his cheek and smiling softly.

“You are so very deserving of love, because you help everyone in your life so much. You suffered through that trial and obeyed those orders so that your team would succeed. You pushed yourself to your limit so the world would be safe,” More tears flowed from Ted’s eyes, though his smile didn’t falter. “And when you’re at home, you’re such a strong, generous, amazing person, Shinobu. You protect your team and use your many talents to train them to be strong enough to protect everyone else. But all of that doesn’t even begin to cover everything you do for me. You help me to become a better person, to be stronger and to be a person that is worthy of you. Even when I was sick...when I was d-dying,” Ted’s voice trembled, since that time had shaken him more than he’d liked to admit. “You didn’t leave my side for even a minute, and you took such good care of me. You fed me, bathed me, pulled me through and made me well again.”

Ninja placed his hand on Ted’s side where the scar from that ordeal was and Ted covered his hand with his own. “You never gave up on me, so I will never give up on you. I’ve kept on living, trying to be a better person, one you will be proud of, because...because I’d do anything for you, Shinobu...”

*Ted.* Ted closed his eyes when Ninja started to wipe his tears with his bare fingers. *You have no need to try and impress me because I am proud of you. I know I should tell you more often than I do, but I honestly am impressed with everything about you, Ted. Your courage and determination inspire my own.*

Ted let out a shaky breath of thanks as he pulled Ninja into a tight hug. The two enjoyed this quiet embrace for quite some time, each feeling better simply being close to the other, until Ted’s stomach let out a rather loud growl. Ted quickly blushed and rubbed his belly, while Ninja’s expression grew inquisitive.

*Have you eaten dinner tonight, Ted?*

“I-I really meant to, but I was just so tired from work...I’m sorry.”

*There’s no need to apologize. I will fix something for you. Stay here and rest until I return.* Ninja quickly wiped the last of the tears from his eyes and stood back up, his depression and pain neutralized now that he had someone to care for again.

“Thank you, Shinobu,” Ted called out, wiping his own face when he’d left the room, since his mood always improved when Ninja’s did. After cooking a quick meal of soup, rice, and fish, Ninja carried the tray laden with dishes into Ted’s room and sat down beside him on the bed once again.

*Say ahhh* Ninja instructed as he held up a spoon for Ted to enjoy. Ted blushed dark red as he realized that Ninja wanted to feed him, but he happily accepted the food and felt relieved when Ninja began to smile.

“It’s delicious,” he said, eagerly opening his mouth for more. If this was what Ninja needed to feel better, then Ted would let himself be pampered and spoiled for as long as his boyfriend desired. He obediently ate every delicious mouthful that Ninja gave him until the tray was empty, and both his stomach and his heart felt full again.

Ninja smiled as he placed the tray on Ted’s nightstand, but he paused when he noticed Ted wiping his eyes again. *What’s wrong? Was something not right?*

Ted shook his head. “No, it was perfect, just like every other meal you prepare. It tasted so good, and...I’m just so happy you’re back. I missed you so much...” Ted knew that Ninja wished to take care of him in order to feel strong again, and he had spent so many months trying to be strong for others that he was finally starting to let himself be weak again.

With a flurry of movements, Ninja’s clothes and mask were gone, as were Ted’s robes, and Ted relished the feeling of soft skin against skin. He gazed upon Ninja’s bare face for the first time in what felt like ages and kissed him, letting Ninja gently brush the hair back from his eyes. “Please stay tonight, Shinobu,” Ted whispered, gazing into his eyes with quiet desperation. “I couldn’t let you go if I wanted to tonight. Please...”

Ninja kissed Ted to reassure him and gazed down at him with an expression radiating with love and adoration. Ted truly was the man he could trust body and soul. *And I could not leave your side if I tried. I have already told Linkara that I will be taking a vacation for at least a week, and I hope it will not hinder you to have me here until that time is up.*

Ted’s eyes widened and then they watered with tears again, though they were tears of joy this time. “Nothing would make me happier. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Shinobu. I love you so much.”

*I love you too, Ted. Do not worry about anything anymore, for I am here. Nothing will ever come between us again.*

As their kisses grew deeper, their passion grew wilder, and soon Ted was blissfully welcoming Ninja home in a very tender manner. “I’m not worried, Shinobu...I have you, my faithful protector…you are safe with me too...I love you...”

*Thank you, Ted.* Ninja’s words were steady and neat once more as they were scrawled across his chest. *Thank you for listening to my worries and reassuring me about so many things. I will need more time to fully recover from all that has happened to me, but I know that being with you will replenish my strength and my spirit. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met and I love you with every beat of my heart, Ted.*

Ted’s misty eyes leaked tears once more as he leaned up to kiss Ninja. “I love you too, Shinobu. Welcome home.”

90s kid/80s dan, ninja/ted, ocelot_l, boffo/linksano, tgwtg, at4w, big bang, lifetimes, fanfic, harvey/linkara, crash and burn, complete

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