sometimes I think that I'm bigger than the sound.

Oct 24, 2008 20:57




I haven't LJ-ed in forever, so I feel like I have to get back into the swing of things.  This is mostly because I've realized that if I don't blog I start talking to myself.  NO, REALLY.  I start by mumbling and then I'll just have full-on conversations with random outbursts concerning fictional characters.

Yesterday, I called by brother George.  George, as in, Fred/George from Harry Potter.

Maybe I just need sleep?  That's probably it.  I also find things more amusing than they actually are in the morning too.  Or maybe that's just all the time. Yikes.

Anyways, school is. Um. NEXT TOPIC.

TWILIGHT ULTIMATE FAN CONTEST: I give up.  Okay, not really, but kind of.  The entries are freaking amazing.  I mean, there's this mother who's raising a family but is still an awesome Twi-hard nonetheless, two girls who have Robert P. wallpaper, AND a poster signed by the cast along with other merchandisey merchandise.  I'M A FAILURE AS A FAN.  I know how much of a fan I am at heart, but when I look at these entries, I dunno.  I feel so belittled by their awesome. Ha, story of my life.

FOOTBALL.  Oh, yeah, intriguing, right?  So, today my cousin came over from his school to play our school in a friendly game of football, my favorite sport, y'know, and I had volunteering afterschool and long story short.  I basically ran around the school twice, paid $5 to see my cousin, give him a hug, then jet off before the game went into half time (or, even, quarter time, if there was such a thing), and went to volunteering.  Why, yes, my muscles do hurt with the burning fi-yah of a million werewolves suns.

Speaking of werewolves I mean suns, I went to the beach on Tuesday for a Marine Science field trip and man, it was fantastic with awesome on top.  I was soaking wet and everyone enjoyed splashing buckets of water on me, but it's all good because the sun was out, the weather was perfect and HELLO: there was a Taco Bell.  I'm not a huge fan of Taco Bell, but I do love it because it bears no resemblance whatsoever to Mexican food. Yay imitation avacados. Yum.  Just kidding, guys. :)

Yesterday, one of my good friends sent me this email, it was just.  Wow.  I mean, it was a chain letter, and normally I hate all the chain letter crap, but this was.  It is probably cheesy and immature and naive but it was absolutely adorable, especially since it was written by a guy...

Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, dont wait for him to change

Ditch his sorry ass, a disgrace to the male population and find someone who will treat you with utter respect

Someone who will honor your morals.

Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.

Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes.

Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.

Someone who will stop what they're doing just to look you in the eyes....and say 'i love you' ..and actually mean it.

**Give the nice guys a chance**

While I'm feeling all emotional, delusional, and an absolute insane fangirl, I am in love with "Crush" by David Archuleta.  Do you know those moments when the perfect song plays at the PERFECT time?  Maybe it's just me, but sometimes it's amazing when that happens.  Like, when the weather is right, or the mood or place... If the right song is played, it'll make it all the more beautiful.  So this morning I wake up, the sky is doing that pink-cotton candy mixed with purple with the morning-orange sun rising, and I turn on my iTunes,  crank up the music and ka-bam.  "Crush".  It's not necessarily the lyrics, but the mood/tone of the song.  I don't know what it was, but it made my day.

Wow, long blog.  Weak diction. NaNoWriMo! I think I'm probably going to actually participate this year.

On my agenda for this weekend...

> Barnes & Noble/Borders (I am in need of yet another bookstore trip.  (I love recommendations!)
> Boots (My mom bought two pairs for me, both of which do not fit.  Yet, they fit her.  My life and my feet are not fair. Sigh.)
> Write essay for fan contest. Maybe. 
> AP US History notes.

> Adreana's house for get-togetherness, yay!
> Bookstore trip.  Again, you ask?  Well...

Me: "Oops, dad, I seem to have forgotten to get this book yesterday and I need it so badly because, O-M-G, when I saw it yesterday, I thought, wow, this is better than when I found out all of Joseph Heller's books were going to be printed with corresponding paperback covers that follow this amazing abstract theme, or, when "The Host" was 40% off (and 10% off for members), or, even better, when the unfinished novel by Jane Austen, "Charlotte", was completed by..."

Dad: "Okay, okay, Stephenie Meyer, I'll be in the magazine section." (Stephenie Meyer. Yeah, that's really my dad's nickname for me. You can only guess why, right?)

Well.  I think I've poured everything on my mind into this blog.  Hopefully this minimizes the talking-to-self.  But if not, I am truly screwed.

That's all for now folks.  For now, enjoy some cheetos and take in the fantastically mysterious, horrible, strange, beautiful wonder that is life.

I do need sleep.

reading "the host". again.

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