Fourth spell → Voice

Jul 16, 2011 21:11

I suppose, in light of recent events, it's a good thing I was raised by Muggles and that I've been forced to adapt to this city without my wand. It's given me a bit of a headstart on the others from my world, who can't seem to manage too long without magic. [She is absolutely not referring to any wizards trying to burn down kitchens or anything of the like. Nope, not her.]

I hadn't realized how many of us depend upon magic or other special abilities to function in our daily lives. While I don't claim to be an expert at anything other than research, if anyone needs assistance with any day-to-day activities - cooking, namely, but I may be able to manage others - let me know and I'll see what I can do. It may not be much, but it's an offer, at least.

[And she'd rather put this bit under a filter, but as Harry had mentioned it publicly, she sees no harm in asking, either.]

Also, if anyone happens to know of a flat or house that can comfortably accommodate three people, please do let me know.  Three bedrooms would be ideal, but as I don't know what the housing situation is like outside of my current circumstances, we can make do with two if we need to. This is all still tentative, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

ménage à trois = household of 3, mudblood and proud!, some wizards are just incompetent, [event]: powerless, [event]: fail!filters, hermione and her "helping people thing"

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