
Apr 18, 2012 11:03

Things are looking really good for this challenge at the moment. I’ve finished one book already (Divergent by Veronica Roth) and I’m already three-quarters of the way through Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. I’m also about half way through The Shack by William Paul Young, but that book is hard for me to read for any long period of time, so it might take a while to finish. It’s really stretching my mind when it comes to God and religion, and I’m being rather stubborn about changing my views. (I’m not sure I believe in the authenticity of the story. It’s far too outlandish. Jesus would never act like that.) Anyway, I’m also almost half-way through The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. How have I made it so far so fast, you may ask? Well, I’ve been voraciously reading for the past three days because I have nothing better to do as I wait for Pottermore to create my account and send me verification. I’m also at a lull in my work towards my teaching certification. My 30-page draft is complete and awaiting comments and editing, and my presentation PowerPoint is also done. Now, I have nothing to do until next Wednesday. Imagine that. However, the next few days, particulary Thursday and Friday (and the weekend if my Pottermore account is verified) will be really busy, due to meetings, observations, and teaching, teaching, planning, and oh, did I mention teaching?

Have a nice Wednesday!

Kelly <3

erik larson, the devil in the white city, j.k. rowling, william paul young, religion, divergent, update, veronica roth, 101 books in 1001 days challenge #2, the shack, harry potter and the sorcerer's stone, rules, pottermore

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