The Day of Silence was today. It really wasn't as bad as I anticipated, although I did have to bite my tongue a couple of times in some of my classes. Of course, today was the day that I actually could have contriubted to the discussions, but I couldn't talk. The only thing that was really hard was not talking to Darrell today. As hard as it was not talking during Spring Break, I think today was harder. Probably because during Spring Break I was gone, and I didn't really expect to be able to talk, so when we did it was a treat. Today, on the other hand, I'm at school like always; it's become part of my morning routine, a phone call from Darrell, first thing. It was really hard to voluntarily give it up today. Also, I had to stop myself from sending him messages today, 'cause
Freckles42 requested that we avoid electronic forms of communication as well. I almost sent a message like three times before I caught myself. I know I sound completely attached at the hip, but it's not really that bad. I mean we've only been dating for 3 months, we're still in the honeymoon stage, and I love it. ; )
Anyway, I hope that what we did helped raise some awareness on our campus. I know that only a couple girls asked me why I wasn't talking, but they seemed supportive, or at least understanding.