
Oct 02, 2009 08:00

Warning: this post is going to be chock-full of randomness.

Don't you hate it when you get a bad raisin in your Raisin Bran? Usually, you can tell a bad raisin from a good one, but in cereal, you can't tell. It's all stealthy in the cereal and the milk. Gross!

I have two new favorite shows this year and both are very different. Glee makes me want to sing, and believe me, you people don't want that. I found myself at the end of this week's episode just beaming while they were singing Somebody to Love. It's just such a fabulous show. The characters have been accused, by some, of being stereotypical, but I think the actors do a great job of humanizing them. Finn is not just the typical jock, for instance. I thought he was going to be this stuck-up popular kid, but he's actually a really nice guy. Anyway, I love the show and I'm always just happy when it's on. I'm smiling right now thinking about it. And geez, if you don't like it after the Single Ladies episode, something is wrong with you.

The other show I've only seen one episode of, but it hooked me from the start. Flash Forward is amazing! First of all, I've always had a thing for Joseph Fiennes, so that is a huge plus. Besides that, the show is inventive and different and just so awesome. Of course, it's completely got that I'm-going-to-completely-screw-with-your-mind LOST thing going on, which is probably why I love it. I can't wait to see where they are going with it.

I am going to see the Toy Story double feature tomorrow. These are my favorite Pixar movies, by far, so I'm really excited.

I finished The Lost Symbol. It was a typical Dan Brown read. I enjoyed it, but I still like Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code better. I'd definitely recommend it, however.

So far, I like Kelly Osborne, Mark Dacascos (the Chairman on Iron Chef), and Mya on Dancing with the Stars.

The Ravens are 3-0 and the Steelers are 1-2. I'm just saying...

I am now on the fourth season of How I Met Your Mother and am totally in love with Neil Patrick Harris. Why must he be gay? It's just not right. At any rate, I'm hoping to finish the fourth season in the next week, so that I can catch up to the current episodes. I've been recording them for future viewing.

Heroes has been pretty good so far. I'm loving this whole Sylar in Matt Parkman's head think. Talk about a mind fuck! Then again, I love Sylar, as despicable as he is. He's got his weird charm about him that makes you like him even though he's horrible. I guess it helps that Zachary Quinto is so fantastic. I also like the carnival storyline, even if I don't know exactly where it's going. That actor, Robert Knepper, was on Prison Break and he's really good.

I'm really annoyed with work at the moment. I'm not annoyed with my co-workers, just with those at the home office. By now, I would have had Holiday Setup all planned out. The map would have been drawn, the displays would have been planned, all that good stuff. But since the home office drones can't get their shit together, I'm in a holding pattern. I go on vacation in two weeks, so I better have it by then. My boss and I are both rather peeved about it.

My nephew is going to be Nemo for Halloween. My sister bought the costumer at the Disney Store. Nemo is his favorite movie, to the point that we now have to spell Nemo around him or he'll start shouting, "Nemo! Nemo! Nemo! Nemo!" Mandy says he wants to watch it all the time. I lent Mandy my Toy Story DVDs, so that she can switch it up a bit for some variety. Anyway, he's just so adorable. And he's learning so quickly. He was over here a couple weeks ago and there are two heart pillows on my bed. He says, "Hearts...two heart." How awesome is that?! Mandy says he can count to two right now and he knows most of his alphabet, though not in order quite yet. God, I love that little boy!

So, yeah, I'm finally getting some semblance of a vacation in two weeks. We'll be going up to Cape Cod for a week with our friend, Martha. I'm so looking forward to having this time off and just relaxing. It's just been such a blah year, I really need it.

Anyway, that's all the randomness I can come up with. I tried to post this last night, but LJ was down. Figures...

dancing with the stars, flash forward, tv, ravens, glee, cape cod, movies, himym, work, connor

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