
Feb 04, 2007 20:49

I saw Dreamgirls today.

And tell me, why is this film NOT up for Best Picture?! It was phenomenal! It was amazing! I mean, if Chicago can win the Oscar, why is this movie not even up for it? And I liked Chicago.

Every performance was top-notch. Every single one! I'm not a huge Beyonce fan, but she was great. Jamie Foxx and Anika Noni Rose did a great job as supporting players. And Eddie Murphy is well deserving of his nomination. He was fabulous.

But the best of them all was my girl, Jennifer Hudson. I have loved her ever since I saw her on American Idol. Her performance was breathtaking...literally. When she sang "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going," it was so emotional that I couldn't catch my breath. It was like my heart was in my throat. Not only was I crying, but I was sobbing. It was that good. Her emotions were so raw, they just came through the lyrics. She didn't just sing the song, she felt it and made the whole audience feel it too. There was applause when she finished. She is an amazing actress and I just hope that we see a lot more of her. And if she doesn't win the Oscar, the whole thing is fixed. I cannot see how anyone else had a better performance than her.

In other news, the Colts are beating the Bears. The football gods are cruel, cruel gods. And the commercials suck...big time. The only good thing was Prince's halftime show. Now, that was awesome, though it killed me when he sang "Purple Rain." :::sigh:::

oscars, football, super bowl, movies

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