Letter to Harry Dresden (An I.O.U.)

Dec 15, 2009 06:05

Dear Mr. Dresden,
(Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files)

You don't know me but you soon will. I am Balthazar Blake. I happened to be in Chicago last week and I broke into your apartment. I borrowed a few things from you that I thought I should tell you about...

1. I borrowed your leather duster.

2. I borrowed your fedora that you only wear on the novel book covers but never actually describe in the books.

3. I borrowed several of your spells, particularly that fire spell you're so fond of conjuring.

4. I magically borrowed / replicated your stubble.

5. I magically borrowed / replicated your hair cut.

6. I magically borrowed / replicated your height.

7. I magically borrowed a great deal of your abilities.

8. I magically borrowed / replicated your inclination for snark.

9. You know that Nicolas Cage guy, who was paying for your TV show adaptation of your life story. The executive producer. Yeah, him. I'm borrowing him too. He's executive producing my movie and playing the role of me. Isn't that great?

10. I borrowed several poses from your book covers.

11. I borrowed your bit as being a wizard livng in a modern American city.

12. I borrowed the part of your book series where you take on a teenage apprentice.

13. I borrowed your fingerless gloves... though those might have been your brother's...

Okay, I'll level with you. The only things I didn't borrow (and we can argue about it later) are your pentacle amulet and shield bracelet from your mother.

This is an I.O.U. so I'll pay you back... eventually... If you're ever in New York let's meet up. I'll be training my new apprentice.


Balthazar Blake

PS. I also borrowed the stationary paper I used to write this.

Visual representation of what was borrowed after this leap:


And of course...



Jim Butcher (author of The Dresden Files) has left a comment on Scifi Wire about Sorcerer's Apprentice.


By the way, anyone else notice this article is a little buried and hard to get to? What's wrong, Syfy? Don't want people to see Nic cage picking up the pieces of your dropped TV series and reinventing it because you're too lazy to do anything more with it?

author last names a-f, dear character letters

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