Purposeful fail: Atlanta Nights

Jan 10, 2012 06:50

This happened quite a few years ago, but I thought it would be an interesting thing to share for this community, especially since some come here for the lulz, and this is legit trolling IRL. I was reading this entry to John Scalzi's blog which I recommend you read for some context. In short, PublishAmerica was being accused of being a vanity press by writers and kept denying it, as well as telling off science fiction writers for their poor quality of work, to which some sci-fi writers took offense and decided to show off just how low PublishAmerica was going with their submission requirements. They got together and wrote a purposefully awful novel called Atlanta Nights. A copy of this awful book, the awful acceptance letter, and the awful contract are all available here.

And yes, the book can be bought at Amazon.com or POD, but now as a comedy book.

I'm a fan of so-bad-they're-good movies and those sort of "awesomely bad sex/student/children's books" memes, but I have to say the story behind this one is worthy enough to share on its own. At any rate I'm going to go ahead and download the book and peruse it, because the snippets I have seen are absolutely hilarious. I am notoriously patient with this type of stuff but I honestly want to see if I can survive good writers make really good really bad prose.

What can I say, I'm a bit of a masochist sometimes.

Edit: Anybody want me to update with some of the tastiest parts?

"Isadore knocked once at the door, and then it at once swung open. The stunning
vision inside, an echo of pulchritude in a bright red dress, seemed to take their breath
away, it was Penelope Urbain, Bruce Lucent's longtime and very beautiful girlfriends.
Penelope, who had walked in the door of Lucent Software, asking for a job, and a good
thing is being that she did, because he had one for her, a position, so to speak, that only a beautiful woman could fulfill, and she filled the role perfectly, as the beautiful girlfriend for those social occasions when he needed to appear on the front page of the newspaper with a beautiful woman on his arm. Everyone looked and thought he was lucky, but it wasn't just luck it was planning that he fell in love with this beautiful woman and her with him. He gave her his glance and she gave him hers."

There's more if requested!


because sometimes it's not just the book

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