Book Goals for the Year

Jan 07, 2012 21:54

So can we post reading goals here? I just started grad school, so that'll add a nice number of books to my list (a good many of these I get to pick myself, which is exciting!). I also have begun the following books in 2011 (three in 2010) and I have not finished, and that is definitely a goal. To finish all of them except the Hillary Rettig one before June:

1. Against Equality: Queer Critiques of Gay Marriage
2. Hitler's Dancers
3. Wild Swans
4. The Lifelong Activist (this is the Hillary Rettig book, and it's sort of self-help/workbook for activists)
5. The Vegetarian Myth
6. Green is the New Red
7. Animal Rights/Human Rights
8. Sacred Cows and Golden Geese
9. Demonology

I started The Golden Age of Lesbian Erotica right at the end of 2011, so in a way it counts but I know I'll have no trouble finishing that. I also belong to an animal rights reading group, but as you can tell from my list of unfinished books, I don't always get my homework for that one done. New year's resolution perhaps?

So I guess my goal for this year is 65 books.


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