Rape-Culture Award

Dec 03, 2009 15:56

Hello everyone! I just found this community and I'm thrilled to be here. Especially because I have so much to say!

Anyone who makes it all the way through Stephenie Meyer's series of glitter!vamp books knows that in the end, Jacob falls for Bella's barely-born baby. We've discussed the sheer, utter and total creepiness of this already, but one thing that hasn't seemed to occur to people is that Jacob is a victim too. His magic werewolf genes have determined this for him! In his right, sane, non-werewolf mind he is doubtless horrified. He's previously expressed dismay at the controlling werewolf-mating-gene-thing, after all. And that was before his magically-necessary-sex-partner turned out to be a baby.

It's not just Meyer - Mercedes Lackey and Anne MacCaffrey come immediately to mind, there's countless others.

In the same vein as the Pedo-Bear Seal of Approval, I humbly offer the bookfails community this award:

Please feel free to use this award here or on your own LJ.

EDIT: Edited for clarity since people were thinking this post was mostly about Twilight. Which is sort of a side-tangent to the Rape Culture Award, which is something ever culture commenter needs.

kill it with fire, thank god it was just fiction, twilight deserves its own tag

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