special sort of fail: EVERYONE IS UNDEAD

May 08, 2011 15:33

so i like vampire books. and a while ago, i stumbled across a new series by karen chance, the Cassie Palmer series.

they are ok books, as plot go. but the author does this thing where she constantly namedrops famous people from history. and they are ALL vampires you guys. ALL OF THEM. except elvis and jimi hendrix, who are ZOMBIES.

at page 39 in the first book Raphael shows up. not the ninja turtle, but the painter. and i was like... ok thats cool (because i secretly love secret histories) but more famous dead people just kept piling up. it was like a horrific traffic accident in history, and it got rediculous.

cleopatra's a vampire. of course jack the ripper is a vampire, anne boleyn is a vampire. Christopher Marlowe is a vampire. the man in the iron mask? VAMPIRE. Rasputin? YEP. casanova? hes a incubis demon, who is possesing a vampire (also he pees glitter and is married to a unicorn) (that last bit is totally a lie).

its like karen chance skipped through history playing the worst game of tag ever. vampire! vampire! UNDEAD! VAMPIRE!!!

its annoying because she can write, but it feels like shes trying to show off her smarts or something. so very over the top. and everytime someone famous pops up i find the storyline suffers for it. vampires are interesting enough on their own. they don't all need to be someone famous.
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