Good Plot, Bad Author: Inkheart

Jan 04, 2011 12:14

Now, I read Inkheart about two years ago, so I've forgotten a lot of the details, but the thing I remember most about reading this book is how very difficult it was for me to actually get through, and what a disappointment it was.

The plot sounds magical, something right up my street. A young girl who loves books (hey, I love books!) discovers that her father has the ability to read characters out of books! Hey, that's pretty fantastical. That's a book I'd like to read, what kind of things can happen with that premise?!

But despite that all sounding great and fun and magically fantastical, I found the book really, really boring to read through. It wasn't magical and fantastical, it was dull. The premise is good, some of the characters are interesting, and some of the plot reveals and twists were quite exciting. Except the writing of all of that fell far short, to me. Eventually it came across to me that a large part of this book involved the characters trying to get to this village, and then trying to run away from the village, and then getting captured and taken back there, and trying to get away again, and returning to help those who had been captured, and you get the idea.

Maybe it's just me, and everyone else loved this book, but I found the writing of it to be lacklustre throughout, nothing felt fantastical, and nothing was as interesting as the premise made it out to be. It could have been a much more interesting book, but because it was a chore for me to get through I gave up on the trilogy at book one. Maybe it gets better, but I'll never know, as I'll probably never pick up those books ever again.

See, I was so bored reading this book, that I can't even remember what else I thought of it at the time I read it! Oh well.

good plot gone wrong, like watching paint dry

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