Let's Fix This Ending! Nymphos of Rocky Flats

Dec 15, 2010 19:29

The Nymphos of Rocky Flats by Mario Acevedo is about Felix Gomez, who became a vampire in Iraq. His friend in the Department of Energy asks him to look into some strange things happening at a base in Colorado. All the women seem to be nymphomaniacs. He hypnotizes the women and learns about something called Project Redlight in Roswell. I read this book a few years ago and I remember I hated the ending with a passion. That being said, I seem to have gotten rid of my copy, so the ending is a little on the fuzzy side.

What I do remember liking, however, was him getting over his whole drinking human blood complex. I felt that was handled well. What I didn't like was the freaking aliens. Aliens?! Come on! I remember feeling so cheated out of a cool ending that I called up my friend to complain. I would have cut out the aliens and made it a biological weapon gone wrong or some other government conspiracy. But not freaking aliens. Lame.

lets fix this ending!

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