(no subject)

Dec 24, 2016 20:41

It's the first night of Hanukkah, also Christmas Eve! Normally at this time I would be prepping to go to New York for the traditional Chinese food and a movie, but I have had too much travel this year and yet more coming up, so instead I am home on my couch with Chinese food, and that is also pretty OK.

Meanwhile, as we wait for the Yuletide archive to open, seems like it's a good time for another costume poll!

Last time, we actually ended up with a neck and neck tie between the two wardrobe extremes of Jeremy, a complicated man who contains multitudes:

The people love Prince Jeremy! The people also love weird yellow plaid-skirted hobo Jeremy.

But will the people also love ...

1. ...weird bowl-cut Jeremy? ?? ???

I don't even care about the rest of this outfit. Yes, there's some kind of one-sleeved stripy nonsense, and it's weird, but WHAT IS HAPPENING ON TOP OF THIS POOR CHILD'S HEAD.

Jeremy, who did this to you. Who hid a hideous bowl cut under your normal, already moderately terrible hair like the world's worst transformer. How can we help you.

2. Speaking of people who need help, it's a little distressing to me that poor Mi Nam appears to be trapped inside a fur straightjacket? How can she eat this delicious food or drink this delicious beer when she can't move her arms??

Actually, it doesn't actually look terrible when it's up around her shoulders --

But then the back is just -- is it just a piece of elastic? I DON'T UNDERSTAND.


3. You know who can work a giant pile of fur and make it look like an actual, intentional choice on her part? HE YI.

This is definitely the same shiny gold dress underneath, so I guess when it's time to party she replaces it with a....nother different fur? Maybe it's one fur that can actually be ANY fur?

Or -- are those straps actually on both sides of her arms? Is it a TINY FUR BACKPACK?

4. OK, back with Jeremy. (Do those words fill you with fear yet?) No, actually, this is relatively fine!

He's ... going for some kind of space prince look here, I guess? A Jetsons kind of thing? Anyway, don't ask me what's going on with his waistband, don't ask me what's going on with his shoulderpads, the lurking beast of a bowl cut is hidden and that's all that really matters to me.

5. Let's finish up with Stylist Wang, who's also making an entry in the fur sweepstakes.

Maybe it's my weakness for cloche hats, but this is ... actually really cute? The pigtails are adorable, the fur vest is ... well, relatively tasteful by comparison ...

The plaid dress actually matches the hat? It looks like an ensemble? Way to go, Stylist Wang!

(You may be wondering what's going on in the rest of this picture and why it is not being entered into the costume polls. The answer is that it is a bona fide A.N.Jell PHOTOSHOOT and it seemed unfair to consider any of these costumes individually when they were designed to be appreciated as an ENSEMBLE, but, for your viewing pleasure:


View poll: #17813

-- and while I was doing this, Yuletide came out! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE.

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costume polls, you're beautiful

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