(no subject)

Dec 23, 2016 15:03

Most of my time this week spent neither at work nor involved in social activities has gone to frantic Yuletiding or frantic gift-shopping, but I did:

- help raise a collection for Planned Parenthood at our annual household holiday party -- so every year we have a Yankee swap, and everyone knows that the person who picks the #2 slot is the official loser of Yankee swap due to not having an opportunity to swap for basically anything. This year, we lowered the estimate-price for the swap, asked people to donate the difference to the collection jar if they felt like it, and then gave the least-lucky Yankee Swapper the choice of where the money went to. It went over pretty well and will I expect be a new standing tradition!
- worked a Planned Parenthood volunteer shift in below-freezing temperatures, and was rewarded by the sight of a Thor taking his flowing red cape and stuffed pectorals out for a morning jog. He waved to us genially as he passed!
- called Senator Markey to say thanks for the commitment to fighting Trump's cabinet nominees and please keep it up
- called Senator Warren to say thanks for the legislation about Presidential divestment and please keep it up

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